Please help me learn how to plan history!

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  • Tia

    In looking at books, etc. to use for next year, I found many biographies but no real “overview” of American History.  Then, you wonderful ladies told me about a couple that sound great.  But, then as I was going through things tonight, I wondered, “How do I incorporate the two?”  Do I read the overview/spine type book one week, a biography the next?  Or do I do my overview until it is complete to a certain year and then go back and do biographies? Or are the biographies/stories enough without the chronological spine book? (my dd’s will be 6 turning 7, 4 turning 5 and a toddler).  Is the purpose mainly to expose them to people and events so that when my well meaning MIL asks them about the Pilgrims they know who they are and what they did?  Or is the chronological overview important as well to serve as a foundation for later in depth study of what happened when?  help!!


    I’m no expert by any means since we will be starting history with my first grader in July. I will not be using a spine at this stage. I think biographies and historical picture books will be enough, with map work and maybe a timeline thrown in.


    I’m no expert either:)  We have used a great spine alone in the past, but didn’t like not having biographies, etc.  I’ve used a spine with biographies, and it seems to get to be a lot of reading when trying to combine age groups.  I am so thankful to have found Truthquest History Guides!  We are starting it next year.  They give a Biblical commentary on main history events, with a list of living books to choose from (including spines, if you like).  Many moms just use the guide as a spine, which is my plan.  Then I’ll incorporate the SCM history books that go along with the period.  If a topic comes along that I want a little more info., I do have some spines on hand if needed.  Just our plan, but I feel very excited about history next year!   :)Gina

    P.S. My kids are 10 and 7.  I just noticed your oldest will be 7.  If it were me, I wouldn’t worry about a spine and just read fun living books.  I used Mystery of History as a spine when my daughter was younger and it covered lots of info. and *I* loved it, but I don’t think she remembers most of it.  We enjoy delving deeper into main topics in a fun way with living books.  Just my .02:)


    I think either would be fine, spine or no spine. My kids are 9, 6, almost 3, and an infant and personally, I’ve always used a spine, but I don’t think it is absolutely necessary. I generally read a chapter from the spine each week and spread the other books out throughout the term. Planning will help you to fit in whatever you want. As to planning, I highly recommend Sonya’s Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education, both the book and dvd will help you put it all together very simply and painlessly by walking you through step by step. This has been THE most helpful resource I have ever seen or used when it comes to planning. It will help whether you use a spine or not.

    Hope that helps,



    I feel silly asking this but what is a “spine?” I am considering switching over to truthquest and your entries have been very helpful. 



    Don’t feel silly, good question!  A spine is a chronological book going through history, listing main events in order.  Some popular ones are:  The Light and The Glory, This Country of Ours, Mystery of History, Story of the World, etc.  With Truthquest, she lists spines at the top of each historical topic.  But these are optional. She also lists many biographies/stories.  Hope that helps some:)  Gina

    Doug Smith

    If you haven’t looked at our curriculum guide yet you might want to check that out for examples.

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