Planning your CM Education in 5 Easy Steps planner

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  • MonikaNC

    WOW.  That’s all I can say!  I am new to CM this school year and have fully committing ourselves to a complete CM curriculum by using the SCM Curric. guide.  I have to say, our first year of homeschooling went rather well, but I knew halfway through that we were going to be in need of a switch to better match our girls.  Now that I have a “feel” for homeschooling, I decided to be brave and jump right into what I found on SCM and I think this year will be UNbelIEVable.  I have been truly excited to get started.  Only one thing has stopped me so far……how in the world was I supposed to schedule every single day without completely “winging it:  🙂   I kept looking at the stacks of beautiful new books and thinking I’ve sabotaged myself!!  Last year I used a boxed curriculum and the switch made me think maybe I wasn’t cut out to do this, how in the world will I get all these books read?!?!

    So at the conference here in Winston-Salem, I bought the Planning Your CM Education book.  AND I still felt overwhelmed.  It has been sitting on my counter, mocking me for the past month.  I’ve been leary of cracking it open, I KNEW it was going to make me look at the bigger picture of our long-term homeschool goals, and I kept thinking–how in the world can I start there if I don’t know whether we’re going to sink or swim with our switch this year?!?!  I finally did it.  I opened it up and fell right into the most complete, pratical, and super easy method of planning!!  I would encourage ANYone who has even toyed with the idea to definitely GET THIS BOOK!  🙂  I knew I had to stop being a chicken sooner or later, and wish I had done so sooner Laughing!  I was excited about the content and adventure I felt our new CM curriculum would bring to our homeschool.  Now I’m also excited about our plan to do just that–teach my girls to love learning and have fun doing it!  Thank You so very much for putting such a wonderful tool into my hands!!  I have recommended it to every single homeschool mommy that I know, many of which do not even use a CM curriculum!   So, we will start our new CM education Wednesday–it can’t come fast enough!!


    Laughing I KNOW right!? It’s hard to explain to someone HOW benefitial this planner is until they DO it!!! The SCM Planner & DVD totally saved my sanity the year before last. We had a year with lots of life interupptions and had it not been for our SCS schedule I would have cracked and stumbled terribly. Then I was preg and had our new born last summer, so I figured

    “oh, I understand how it works now, I can just wing it,”

    Ummmmm, NO! Last year was all peiced together and piled up leaving us a bit unfocused and me scrambling to get things ready. Never again. As soon as my curriculum arrives I am moving on in the process, Lesson learned WELL.

    NOthing I have tried before compares to the perfectly organized schedule that comes from using Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education. What a true blessing.



    Hahahaha!  I think this is gonna be a thread full of dittos!  I used the DVD and book this year too, and I’m super excited-so are my children!  Yay for SCM, huh?




    You know I really need to do this, I did ours partially last year and I believe that was why we had such a hard time when things came up.  I really need to get the whole year done and just use my schedule.


    What does that book cover that the free curriculum guide doesn’t? At what point would you recommend using this book? I am just doing preschool stuff right now. Thanks!

    This is on my wish list…..I think you all have pushed me to up it’s priority status :o)


    dmccall3…. the planning book does a couple of things that the curriculum guide doesn’t.

    First, you could take the information from the curriculum guide, and use the planning book to figure out when during the year you wish to do the various resources, and then work that down to planning what resources to use each day, and even (if you wish) schedule the day.


    You can use the planning book to figure out YOUR priorities for homeschooling, what resources you want to use (whether it is mostly from the curriculum guide or not) and work it all out right to the what to work on each day level.

    I found the planning book fairly useful while I was doing a modified AO (which is quite scheduled out for you…) and it is invaluable this year as I’m planning my OWN plan for homeschool.

    hope that helps!


    As a planning and scheduling resource, is the book geared mostly toward use with the SCM Organizer, or is it easily adapted to other planners or organzers–whether paper or online?


    It does not assume that you are using the organizer at all.  At one step, it says “here you can enter your resources into the organizer” (or words to that effect)…. however it does show what to do for a simple paper system.  It will work well with other organizers or planners.

    We just finished our first year and I really recommend this! It helped me focus and when I started questioning myself, I could refer to it! Thanks Sonya!

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