Planning CM book question

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  • junkybird

    Hi there, question for those that have the Planning Your CM book.  I would like to know if it helps specifically when you are planning on using the recommended modules and 106 Days.  Some of the schedules under the listed samples are confusing me with having Bible listed everyday, and no science on some of them.  If I am using Module 1 and the Genesis to Deut. book it appears that I am to do Bible only 3x/week, history 1x/wk and geography 1x/wk.  And for 106 Days, it can vary to my liking 2-3x/wk. 

    Does the planner help in putting this all together? 

    Thanks for your help.  I am trying to decide if I really need to purchase it, or can I just write down my schedule by hand.  Jenn


    The Planning your CM book doesn’t talk about the modules and guides – it is for planning completely from scratch…


    I don’t have 106, but I do have Gen through Deut, and it is already planned out for you.  We are on lesson 30 now and it has gone so smoothly it’s wonderful! 

    I do still recommend Planning Your CME.  It’s a great book for helping you plan and get organized and even though it doesn’t specifically mention the modules and guide, it will help you decide how to make them all work together. 


    I would say, yes the PYCMEd is still valuable when you are dealing with predetermined modules. I have some curriculum like that and being able to translate that into our plan with everything else was  This is addressed in the sections “Divide & Conquer and Keep things Fresh” during Step #3 of the process. There are examples that show how modules are mixed in to a term plan. I can’t say enough good things about the end result of this planning program. It can seem like a lot of work but MANY times during the past year I have thought, “Thank you Lord that I had this plan in place,” as life got lifey! -tania

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