planning anonymous

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  • Christine Kaiser

    @ Oakblossoms

    I really like the Waldorf approach, too. Smile My oldest went to a Waldorf School for the first 5 Grades. I plan on doing Waldorf Art next year, coloring with block crayons and we do a lot of Waldorf style handicarfts like felting etc.

    Blessings, Christine


    GooodNESS,count me in for it all!! LOL! I am so happy to find this thread, esp. the mention of free online downloads 🙂 My husband thinks I’m crazy, I’m sure….I just really like the look of a full “bookshelf” I guess, even if it IS on my Nook! I am trying to not go crazy with the planning …. but, too late. I have also been told that my new “hobby” is taking up alot of time, and I overheard my girls talking the other day~~one of them mentioned to the other while playing: : “No,it’s my turn to be the Mommy, I get to shop for new books!” LOL! I was kind of embarassed but yet proud, go figure!


    Sheraz, love the file folders on computer by module. Where is the LIKE button?


    And Oakblossoms, I can so relate with 6 kids, including a 2YO as well who thinks she can do anything her two 6YO siblings can do. I am with your DH on the unschooling and am leaning more and more in that direction. I need to probably get the SCM planner. Not sure why i haven’t. I think it would make life much easier. I think I am afraid of all the BLANKS I might still have on there. Embarassed


    My problem with planning is that I spent the past 6 months on researching curriculum,  shifting back and forth between different CM style curriculum recommendations.  Now that I decided that SCM curriculum recommendations (tweaked here and there) would be the most suited for our homeschool, I have NOTHING left to plan until I get started next fall.  I have all the books and other resources sitting on a shelf with a written plan about my daily, weekly, term, and yearly goals.  I am seriously going through planning withdrawals!  


    Hahaha, this is awesome! I am a member for sure! I have a giant planning poster made from a strip of art roll paper. My children’s topics to be learnt next year are in columns in the middle with columns on either side for each child’s Plan A (customized for them individually), Plan B (the most CM style options), and a single column at the far left for Plan C (where as many subjects are combined as possible). I reminds me of the NBA draft. My husband smiles and shakes his head. So really, I am making 3 different school year plans for the same year. I spend hours online researching and pondering. It is crazy. and I know it.


    This must start early. One day this week, my dd5 spent about 2 hours “planning” for what to do when her grandma came to visit later that day. Is there a minimum age to join?


    LOL, Sarah…we might have to start the younger version.  My dd plans out everything when we have company (well, she tries, but I want my turn too!)


    It starts in the womb….I just know it does! 14yo dd loves to plan, and about a week before she was born, the doctor tried to induce labor. It didn’t work. I went home. A few days later, they induced again, and she arrived exactly on her due date.

    I’ve always told people she was born with a planner in her hand and simply refused to come out until the date she had circled on the calendar!


    Yep, she was born ON her due date, as well. I guess that also makes them successful in carrying out the plan, as well as the fun planning.


    I need to join too! Much of my own problem right now is being new to homeschooling and new to CM so I research curricula options, but also how to use them. I have what I want to do for copywork but then go back and look at just how to do it again and realize I need to adjust it a bit. It seems never ending.


    This was so fun to read through the minutes of our prior meeting! ROFL.

    Bumping to remind you all to live life and not plan too much, especially this time of year. I have been guilty of too much researching lately, and I already have most of what I will be using for next year!

    I had planned to make a giant planning poster earlier this year. I bought my poster supplies and have not implemented yet. I know it will be helpful to have the visual though. So I plan to get it done this summer. Thanks, sheraz.

    Roll call!


    Thanks for bringing this back, I wonder how I missed this one!  It sounds like me!  I wonders if there is a Planners Anonymous in south Texas?



    No, there is not….they are waiting for you to plan one….



    This is the first year I haven’t started planning for the next year already.  This year I know I need the break.  I’m not even completely sure I’m going to the convention next week.  Perhaps I could use the inspiration, but mostly I think we just need to get away from everything for a bit. 


    @sheraz, I never saw your planning poster either.  Brilliant!  I’m going to put one out in our library where I can quickly remind myself as I look around…..We. Don’t. Need. More. Resources!


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