Penpals/Post Card Exchange

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  • 4myboys

    I am repeating this message in a seperate thread just incase anyone has missed it before:

    Ok, so I am excited about everyone who is interested, but I’m trying to sort out the best way to approach this.

    The idea that I have come up with is that everyone interested PMs me with their names, children’s first name and ages and of course mailing address.  Then I would put all the info on the list and copy it back to everyone.  Then each family would begin by mailing a post card to the person below their name on the list, then proceed down the list, returning to the top of the list and working down until the reach the name above their own.  This way, all the post cards are not being sent to only one person at a time, they are being spaced out a bit, and if someone doesn’t get through the whole list, at least everyone should get some post cards.  I’m not sure we need to make a rule as to how many post cards are sent how often — bbut it would be nice if everyone could send a card to one or two people on their list per week at least.  It would be nice to include somethng interesting about your family and your home town, state or country.  Maybe even a question that the receiver might have fun looking up the answer to about your corner of the world. 

    So if this sounds good to you, or if you have a different suggestion, please let me know!




    Ok — that should have been penpals, not penpasl.  If there is any info you don’t want passed along on the general list, that’s ok — but mailing address is definately going to be needed to make it work!



    I would also set a sign up by date so you can close the list and we know how many postcards to buy. Also setting a mail by date so that participants have a final date to be accountable to. Will it be an option to send all your postcards at once? I was thinking we will put a couple book suggestions on our postcard that would be good to read if you wanted to know more about our area. Maybe a website address about a area point of interest? I have done alot of online swaps and it stinks when you get “flakers”. Having guidelines is great to encourage full participation. This is an excellent starter level swap. Thank you for organizing this for us!


    Thanks for the suggestion.  I certainly agree with all your points. 

    So — please sign-up my midnight Sunday, July 17th.  I will send out the final list on Tuesday July 19th.  All Post Cards should be sent no later than August 12th.  You may send as many as you wish at a time. 



    Pm’d you our info!


    Hey, we’re in too!  PMing you now.  YAY!  BTW, are there age limits?  My 8yo and 4yo want to participate, is that okay?

    Thanks for putting this together, what funLaughing


    I pm’d you too earlier.  Are we sending personal cards or a family card???

    I like the family card idea that means 1 card per family and little ones aren’t left out.  If it works well we could always do a personal card one later.

    I will PM you our info.


    Our info sent to you!  


    I asummed it was 1 per family, I sent my childrens’ names so they will get mail (which will thrill them). i don’t think age really matters, EVERYone loves real mail!

    Michelle Kelly

    pm’d you too 🙂 My children really enjoy these swaps. This time around I even have a large world map framed with space around for hanging the postcards and using string to connect to the place 🙂


    Have Pm’d you.   My 2 are enjoying writing to their penpals and I am sure they will love this.


    One family card is what I had in mind.  I think there are currently 13 families on the list including families from Canada, USA, Austrailia and Japan!  There is still time to get in on the exchange.  Please PM me by midnight SUnday to ensure that your family is on the list.  (don’t worry about time zones, as long as I have your info by 9am Atlantic Time Monday that should be good). 


    We would love to join.  Just PM’d you 🙂

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