Paper planning – monthly subject


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  • mrsmccardell

    I have the Blue Fairy Book we are going to read from 1x month.  How do I schedule that onto our planner?  I know you don’t know what my schedule looks like but how do you, in general, handle less than weekly assignments?  I hope my question makes sense. Thanks,


    Sara B.

    I actually don’t schedule anything just once a month.  I do it every week, and when we finish it, we either replace it with something new, or we have extra free time in our schedule.  That is how it is explained in Sonya’s blog series on planning your CM education, as well (which is where I got the idea to just do it once a week so I wouldn’t forget to do it at all).


    I usually plan books to alternate and put them in the same slot in my planner chart.  This term we’ll have 3 books that alternate, so each only comes every 3rd week.  I listed them all in the same square on my planner, then each week just circle the one that is going to be read.


    I cannot think of a subject/book that we only do once per month. However, we do have certain chores that only get done that often. I have a four page chore chart that I keep in a binder. Weeks 1-4 have their own pages. So, each week will have a different chore listing. (My own zones, tweaked after realizing FlyLady’s zones are not set up to work the way mine need to work for our family.)

    If you set up your paper planner in a similar fashion, you’ll be able to quickly glance at the week to see which books & things you’ll need to do that week. 

    If this is the only book that will be scheduled once per month, I’d personally tie it to a day that has a once monthly bill payment. 🙂 Say you pay the mortgage payment on the 3rd of every month…that will remind you to read from the Blue Fairy book. 



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