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    I am overwhelmed with home schooling at the moment.  I have 3 of my own ages 9, 6, & 2.  As well as I babysit

    M-W (1yr old) all day.  And little twins (6 ms) 1 sometimes 2 afternoons a week. 

    I’m overwhelmed because…

    1.  I want to follow CM’s way of completing schooling mostly in the morning, and it’s hard to do with so many needs around me.   I really can’t get but 3 lessons each per morning.  And so, we start about 9 and usually end about 3pm!  Between 11:30-1:00 is lunch, clean up, outside recess, and I put 2yr old down for nap.  Now, 1 yr old wakes up to eat, etc! I Never have much time for handy crafts or nature study.   The afternoon is spent on the work we couldn’t get to in the morning (usually history, composer study, grammar, writing)With naps, snacks lunch my mornings are real quick! 
    2. It breaks my heart how busy I am with schooling, etc. that when my 2 yr old asks to play, and I’m busy schooling, it doesn’t sit well in my heart!  This is one of my biggest challenges!   I don’t like not being there for her! 

    My hubby is not on board with home schooling, and this is all overwhelming me!   Home schooling is taking up most of my day!



    It is understandable that you are overwhelmed. I’m wondering just a few things and I hope that I do not offend in the asking: What would your husband have you to do? How not on board is he? Is this a source of contention between you? Not having our husbands on board can cause all kinds of stress in us wives. I know that when we are going through this in some aspect, I feel extra pressure to be perfect. That does awful things to me, not to mention the children. Plus it is totally dishonoring to my husband.

    I also wondered if you are needing to babysit or if it’s just a favor.

    Have you thought that perhaps you are trying to do too many academics?

    Beyond that, it sounds like you have a schedule, so perhaps you could schedule in those things that you know to be priorities. I know that my own brain can get so muddled in the busyness that I need to actually write down on my schedule, “play with toddler” in order to make sure that it happens. Of course, you need to know what everyone else is doing at that time, maybe you could call your oldest into service at that time to read/watch over the others.

    Sorry if you are feeling interrogated! I will pray for you! God is faithful to give you all that you need and now, when you are weak, He will be strong in you.



    I will agree with Cindy – it is a very hard road to follow without full support of your husband – does he actually disapprove?  If he does, it will be a road fraught with difficulties and not good for you or the children.  Also the babysitting, if you are doing it for financial reasons, that is one thing, but if you are just helping people out, then you will have to learn to say no, I think.  Your own children are at ages where they need their mum to play and have fun with.  If your husband is not totally against homeschooling, maybe you can sit and discuss the issues you are having and work out some ideas; however if he is dead set against it, then I am not sure how you can continue, without great friction in your home.  I do not mean to be so blunt, but when husbands are not on board, it is very hard to make it work.  I too will keep you in my prayers.


    Hello, and thanks for responding to my “overwhelmed” thoughts.

    I’m feeling a lot less overwhelmed because I will not be babysitting after this week.  I felt strongly from God to let that go.   The babysitting was for income, though I hear God leading me down a different path, and unlike my past choices, this time, I’m going to follow HIS lead.

    My husband is not on board because he hasn’t really seen this “home schooling thing” work out.   Our lives are tricky at the moment because of financial troubles that home schooling doesn’t seem as important when we’re struggling to keep a roof over our heads.

    I want to continue home schooling, and I need to  trust in God.  In the past, I have always intruded God’s plans with my own plans and my own self doubt about all of this! I have become frozen in my home schooling journey because I have chose to doubt myself and not trust God.  I know why I chose this path and have had many open doors to help this home school journey be successful. So now, I have chosen to follow the path I feel God leading me on.    If you’d like to pray that I can keep on HIS path, that’d be great.



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