OT: first lost tooth traditions

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  • Katrina in AK

    My older soon, 8, will soon be losing his first tooth. We don’t do the tooth fairy, but it is still a momentous occasion. Do you have any traditions in your family for losing teeth?


    I would also love to hear what others do! We won’t do the tooth fairy either, and I’m not really a fan of giving money for things, but think it would be special to mark the occasion in some way!




    I’m the tooth fairy at my house and it’s a family joke we all know. I give them 50 cents. Once, I forgot and made it a game and said I’d pay a late fee. I gave dd$1. After that she said I could be late every time. I’m sorry I don’t have other ideas. We just pretend same as we would with dress up, but our kids are in on it.


    We play down the tooth fairy, but my kids do still put their teeth under their pillow and look for $$ in the morning.


    To downplay it, though, we’ve enjoyed the book Throw Your Tooth on the Roof:  Tooth Traditions from Around the World.


    We do the tooth fairy too. The kids all know it’s me. They get $1 for first tooth and 50 cents each after. They do try to catch me and if they do (one time only), they get double money so that’s made it fun.



    We didn’t do anything special for first teeth, but we did do the tooth fairy.  It was too fun, and I know the boys had it figured out already (they all lost teeth late-in fact one isn’t done yet and he’s 14!)  So, the Tooth Fairy comes,  she leaves “fairy dust” on the floor, and my husband gripes (this is part of the script!  LOL) about having to vacuum it up.  (It’s glitter.)  We’ve had some funny notes, both for late times (when the Tooth Fairy forgot for a night.  Or, once, TWO nights.) and also for the time Daddy washed the tooth down the drain.  Very fun.  They all knew. In fact I think that was part of the fun.  It was like this fun game we played, an inside joke that only we knew.  The tooth fairy leaves extra for the troublesome teeth (all 3 of my kids have had baby teeth with no adult teeth behind them, that had to be extracted by the dentist) and she gives us extra money for the trouble, but we have to leave it in the little tooth container from the dentist’s office.  Even as teens, if we try to leave the tradition behind, we catch it and need to get with the prescribed program so they’ll be happy.  LOL  Oh, and we get an exemption for wisdom teeth, on the premise that those are so expensive to remove that the tooth fairy needs to pay Mom and Dad instead of kids.  


    I can only share a story of what not to do

    Several years ago a friend’s oldest dd lost her first tooth, and without thinking mom said that a first tooth ‘must be worth $20’ (WHOA!) Then mom realized that she did not have $20 to give until payday, several days away. She then told dd that the tooth fairy was at a convention in Switzerland and would be delayed in bringing the money/retrieving the tooth. When it was all done the tooth fairy had paid $20 for the tooth and gave a Barbie Doll as a special gift to dd for being so patient. 

    That story always makes me laugh. Yes, sometimes we go overboard for our kids.


    We do the same as Missceegee. DD5 lost her first tooth a couple weeks before her 5th birthday, and he second tooth the wek she turned 5. We told her how tooth fairy mom will sneak in and try to get the tooth and put money under her pillow without being caught. She list the first one on a homegroup night so we got home hours after normal bed time and she would not fall asleep, she was so excited. Finally she got up to pee and I snuck in then because I could not stay awake I was so tired. Well she went back to bed and came out holding her $1 and said “you were supposed to wait until I was asleep” she was do dissappointed, I felt terrible!


    I am the tooth fairy.  I try and do a $1 for the first tooth, but here’s the problem I like to sleep!!!  I usually forget and have to pretend like they just missed the dollar or quarter for a tooth or two after and while we are searching it magically falls from a pillow case or behind the bed.  LOL  Oh, well besides having older children it only lasts about 1 tooth anyway!!


    Our tradition is the tooth fairy!!! I have 4 children: ds7, dd5, ds3, and dd11 months. We are new to losing teeth, but Dad is the tooth fairy (mostly because he has the money and he stays up late). He always encourages our children to put their tooth under the edge of the pillow. It is kind of hard to retrieve a tooth from under the middle of a pillow apparently.

    DD5 lost her second tooth the night before ds3’s birthday in May. She gave her brother her tooth money since it was his special day. Grandfather heard about her generosity and gave her some money. I thought the whole situation was sweet.

    Both of my older children completely lost their first tooth. My son didn’t know his tooth fell out and my daughter was crying so hard, I guess she swallowed hers. At any rate, they wrote notes to the tooth fairy and received monetary gifts.


    Our tradition is to take the tooth and place in a small snack zip bag along with a picture of kid with hole in the smile and on back of picture we write the date and age and I have kid sign their name and I usually jot down the story if there is one such as where it was lost etc. Then when I collect the tooth, it is easier and everything is documented and it goes right into their baby boxes that I plan to give them later on perhaps when they are expecting their own child, or maybe when they get married. 

    I had some blush that was mineral powder and kinda glittery and I lightly dusted the edge of the bed and then took a moist Q-tip and made fairy feet in the dust! Kids loved it, but my 7 year old son figured out this year before Easter that something wasn’t right and straight up asked me if it was all just made up. I have always told them that if they want the truth to just ask me. I tried the old stand by of sending him to his dad, who had no problem keeping the fun alive for his own enjoyment, but my son looked right through me and said, “no, this time I want the truth.” So, I gave him the truth. He was asking about Easter Bunny, Santa, tooth fairy etc…. He was elated that he knew all along and he was a bit disappointed until he found out that he would still get presents and candy. LOL  We also decided to fill in his big sister so she wouldn’t find out in a horrible way by him in a fight or something and she was a bit upset, but made the comment later that the truth answered so many questions she had and she too was good to go once she learned that the fun wouldn’t stop jjust because they knew the truth. My son lost his tooth and I didn’t do the dust since he knew and he got upset with me, but not as upset when I totaly forgot to put money under his pillow and he woke to his tooth still being there! After the first couple of teeth, you just feel like been there and done that!


    Each child gets a book for the first tooth lost (book relating to whatever their current interests are). 

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