OT: Dish soap & Vitamins

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  • Misty

    Ladies, I have been using Melalueca and well I need to stop.  Many months I just don’t need anything to stay active.  The main things I buy from them are vitamins and dishwasher & dish soap.

    I am wondering where you like to buy your families multi vitamins?

    Also, what do you use (make/buy) for using in your dishwasher and for hand washing?

    Hand soap just came to mind also?






    I have used Vitacost for a few vitamins that are hard to find and a few other things.  I have a friend who uses them for just about everything they offer. 

    I ususally try to wash all my dishes by hand because our dishwasher doesn’t really wash well.  I use Seventh Generation or whatever is on sale of the like. 

    If I haven’t made my own hand soap I use Ivory.


    I do not buy much in term of vitamins, most of the kids ones have ingredients I find undesirable.

    I do like Vitacost too! I got Dr.Bronner Sal Sud from them, am using it to make dish detergent w/water and vinegar. It is really concentrated so it lasts a long time. I also use that for carpet cleaning and for washing fruits & vegetables.

    I haven’t tried it as hand soap, I use the regular Dr.Bronner for that and for shampoo.

    For the dishwasher I am using 7th generation. I do not know how it compares w/making your own, don’t feel comfortable w/Borax but 7th gen ingredients might not be better!?! Something I need to research…


    We don’t take a multi-vitamin. We take Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil. It has what I consider to be the most important vitamins, A, D, K. We get plenty of B Vitamins because we eat a lot of grass-fed beef. We also get a lot of vitamins and minerals from our raw milk. So really the cod liver oil is the only supplement I feel to be absolutely necessary. For me, because I am lacking in Vit. D, I do take an extra 10,000 IU daily in a supplement, but that won’t last forever. When I go back for blood work, I hope to either reduce or stop my dosage and rely solely on food. I guess I’m one of those who doesn’t feel like supplements are necessary if you can get most of your nutrition from a nutrient-dense diet. If you’re not able to afford that type of diet, supplementation is probably necessary, but I wouldn’t know what to recommend.

    As far as dish soap goes, I like using Dr. Bronner’s. It’s very concentrated so a very little but goes a long way. I am not making my own dishwasher soap yet, we still buy that. Most of our dishes do go in the dishwasher because dishes are something I give myself permission not to do. 😉


    We take other vit’s also, like Vit C, D, and Fish Oil.  I just like a good multi for the winter when we don’t as much fresh.  I usually just 1/2 the adult vits cause as mentioned above I don’t like all the ‘extra’ in the kids vits.

    petite- what is your ratio of sal sud/water/viniger?  

    Are you all refering to the Sal Suds by Dr. Bronner?  There is so many options by then.  I just placed an order through Vitacost but when what I have is gone that might be my best route.


    I’m talking about the liquid Castile soap. That’s all I’ve ever used from Dr. Bronner’s.


    Yes Sal Sud is also from Dr.Bronner. This is the recipe:


    I do not use lemon juice in it nor do I recommend it.

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