OT: Activated Charcoal

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  • Misty

    Just wondering if anyone here uses this and if so what you are/have used it for and would love to know more uses for it.  I am only asking as a friend to a friend and know that I am NOT asking for any medical advice. :0)  I’m just learning more about it and thought I’d ask.



    We use it. I keep it on hand for when we have a case of diarrhea or upset stomach. It sometimes will stop diarrhea really quick (it depends on what is causing the diarrhea).

    Also, if someone is having an allergic reaction (minor – think small rash from something), I make a compress and put on the area.  If  there’s swelling, I use a charcoal compress. Again, these are not medical emergencies, just issues that come up from time to time. (Pink eye is one example – I put charcoal compress on as well as the dr.’s drops.)

    I have a charcoal salve fromRose of Sharon Acres that is fabulous for healing small burns, drawing out splinters, small sores, bug bites, etc.

    It’s useful for purifying water, when you’re uncertain of the safety of water.

    I buy it from Bulk Herb Store and store it in a container (easier to manage than the bag).

    I actually feel it’s so useful that I keep the capsules in the car, and carry the activated charcoal with me always.

    There’s a very useful book, I think the title is Charcoal (or Activated Charcoal Remedies) or something like that (?) that is a  good read.  Also, the Be Your Own Doctor book has a section on charcoal that I find very useful.

    I hope that helped!

    AMY G

    We have used Activated Charcoal successfully for stomach bugs. I also get mine from Bulk Herb Store. The bag seems to last forever. We just mix 1/4 tsp in a little applesauce or water. Then follow up with water as soon as you feel like drinking, just to make sure it moves on through. I gave some to a friend to put on her little girls spider bite and she seemed to think it helped it heal after nothing else was really helping. We’ve personally never had to use it topically though. I have seen several blogs say it can help whiten your teeth too 🙂 I have never done it consistently enough to be able to give any first hand experience but the kids get a kick out of it when I have a black mouth full of charcoal –haha!! I definitely think activated charcoal is a great remedy to keep on hand!


    It should be mentioned that if charcoal is taken within 2 hours of anything synthetic (drugs, vitamins, etc.), the charcoal will adsorb the synthetic stuff and it will come out of your system……so, to take, say, Immodium for diarrhea and within two hours (before or after) take charcoal would be financially inefficient – the charcoal will adsorb the Immodium and you’ll get no benefit from it.  You would still get benefit from the charcoal, but not the drug/vitamin.

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