Organizer and grading

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  • ForeverMom

    I am new to the organizer and to CM and am LOVING the organizer for my young children ( preschool, kindergarten). I love it’s flexibility in being able to skip assignments and have them pop up the next day. However, I’m having a harder time figuring this out for my high schoolers. Currently I am using homeschool tracker for them which gives me the ability to put in grades and see the big picture for the year. I feel so much more “stressed” with my high schoolers because I feel we can’t take time off for anything without getting behind. How do you all use the organizer for high schoolers? Do you keep a record of grades? How do you make sure you will finish the course by the end of the school year when you can’t really see the overall picture and whether or not you are behind? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

    Jordan Smith

    Some of our users like to use the assignment notes feature to record grades. Those will show up on finished assignments in detailed reports.


    I think Moms worry too much about the grading part of high school. I take a fairly relaxed perspective on grading especially after my dc took a few public school classes and we found how easy it was to get an A there. Math and Science have real tests so that is graded. English and History may or may not have tests but probably have papers. Basically, it is subjective grading for a lot of it. I’ve graduated five from home school so far and the four that applied to college got in with no problems. One graduated from a tough private school with honors.

    I find it easier to keep the grades separate from the Online Organizer.


    Sue, you are right, I probably do stress too much over grades! How do you keep track of hours or amount of work so that it equals one credit? Especially if one designs a course themselves with a variety of living books it seems we would need to keep track of hours spent on it since there isn’t an actual text you can complete for the credit.

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