O'Reilly's Word of the Day

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  • Rachel White

    I thought I would pass along the list of many of Bill O’Reilly’s Word of the Day. Everynight, at the close of the The O’Reily Factor, he gives out a word that is no longer in frequent use in the modern world. I thought I would pass along what they have put up on his site thus far as good extra credit words for spelling!





    How fun!  I had to go into an online dictionary to HEAR the pronunciation of some of these.  Thanks for sharing, Rachel.

    Rebecca  🙂


    I appreciate your list of Bill O’Reilly’s “Word of the Day”.  I too have been building a list.  Below is my list that we used so far this year in my class.  Is there any way to take your words and put them in this format?  I would love to add yours to mine for next semester.  Please email me.  Thanks. SMEAD

    animadversion /an·uh·mud·VUR·zhun/ à n. harsh criticism or disapproval

    argot /AHR·go/ à n. a specialized vocabulary particular to a specific group of people

    circumlocution /sir·kum·low·KYOO·shun/ à n. using many words to express an idea that could be expressed using a few

    confabulist /cun·FAB·yoo·list/ à n. a person who likes to chat

    contumacious /kon·tuh·MAY·shus/ à adj. obstinate; willfully disobedient

    discommodious /dis·cum·MODE·eeus/ à adj. Causing trouble or inconvenience; troublesome, annoying

    excursus /ik·SKUR·sus/ à n. a digression, a tangent

    flagitious /fluh·JISH·us/ à adj. shamefully wicked, criminal or scandalous; corrupt

    gallimaufry /gal·uh·MAW·free/ à n. a medley, a hodgepodge, a potpourri

    hebetude /HEB·uh·tyood/ à n. lethargy; mental dullness; lack of alertness

    jejune /zhuh·ZHOON/ à adj. lacking interest or significance, dull, uninteresting

    legerdemain /lej·ur·duh·MAIN/ à n. sleight of hand, or skillful deception

    louche /LOOSH/ à adj. dubious; of questionable intent or morality

    maunder /MON·dur/ à v. to talk incoherently; to ramble

    meretricious /mer·uh·TRISH·us/ à adj. falsely attractive

    myrmidon /MUR·muh·don/ à n. a faithful follower who follows commands without questioning them

    obstreperous /ub·STREP·ur·us/ à adj. noisily and stubbornly defiant, unruly; noisy, clamorous or boisterous

    opprobrium /uh·PRO·bree·um/ à n. disgrace, infamy, or reproach; the cause of shame or infamy

    panjandrum /pan·JAN·drum/ à n. a self-important, overbearing or pompous person

    pellucid /puh·LOO·sid/ à adj. transparent, clear; easily understandable

    pestiferous /pes·TIF·ur·us/ à adj. evil or damaging; bothersome, annoying, irritating

    ragmatical /rag·MAT·ih·kull/ à adj. ill-behaved, wild, raucous, riotous

    raillery /RAY·luh·ree/ n. good-humored banter or teasing


    recreant /REEK·ree·unt/ à adj. cowardly, craven or spineless

    rodomontade /rod·uh·mun·TODD/ à n. vain, pretentious bluster; pompous self-indulgent ranting

    salmagundi /sal·muh·GUN·dee/ à n. a mixture, an assortment, a potpourri

    tergiversation /tur·jiv·ur·SAY·shun/ à n. the act of being deliberately ambiguous or evasive

    turbid /TUR·bid/ à adj. disturbed, disordered, confused




    Rachel White

    We also enjoy the “Phrase of the Week” that I receive via email. Wonderful phrases/idioms that our culture uses (or used to use) w/their original source. I write it up to and we get a kick out of them. Here’s where you can see them and sign up for one to be sent to you a week.



    There’s a list of Bill O’Reilly word definitions and “Word of the day” at http://www.factorwords.com Smile

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