Ordering Planning CM Education & Laying Down the Rails

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Ordering Planning CM Education & Laying Down the Rails

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  • JulieK

    I’m not sure who to ask this but I would like to order Laying Down the Rails and Planning Your CM Education. Can I order each of them as printed books at the same place? It seems that when I try to order Laying Down the Rails I’m directed to a Lulu site but it doesn’t seem I can order the Planning Your CM Education there and vice versa when I try to order Planning Your CM Education it doesn’t seem I can add Laying Down the Rails with it. I just thought if I could order them together I wouldn’t get charged twice for shipping. Thanks!

    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Julie –

    We are actually in the process of transferring all of our order fulfillment away from Lulu to in-house here at SCM. We’re hoping to have all of our books switched over soon so you would be able to order directly from us online, instead of going through two different places: SCM and Lulu.

    You can order both books from us right now if you send a check via mail to us at PO Box 892, Grayson, Georgia 30017. If you want to use that option, privately let me know your shipping address and I’ll find out what the shipping charge would be.

    Hopefully, the situation will be resolved soon when we get all of our books switched to in-house. In the meantime, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

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