I can’t seem to find a search button for the forums. I think there used to be one, but I can’t find it now. I’m sure this topic has been covered. We have 8 children, and have been using Heart of Dakota for many years. It was a perfect fit for my oldest, as he was 6 years older than the rest, and then the babies came quickly. So, it was preplanned and open and go.
Now, though, I’m wanting to do a one-room schoolhouse model, but I cannot even fathom where to start. I combine my 10, 9, and 8yo boys into an HOD guide. Then I do basics with my 6yo and 4yo. I read to the kids at breakfast and lunch.
But how do I manage teaching all subjects at different levels?? Any tips??
The search function is something the SCM Team’s website developers are still working on. In the meantime, the best way to find something here is to use Google (or I suppose any search engine will do). Just type in either SCM or Simply Charlotte Mason, followed by whatever topic or keywords you’d like to find. You can also click on one of the popular tags shown in the sidebar to the right of any forum page under your username.
Here is a link for your topic that I found by Googling “scm one room schoolhouse” to help you out.