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  • 2flowerboys

    I know this doesn’t effect everyone. But exercising lowered my production. My hubby and I would take the baby walking. When we went for a casual walk, it was fine. But we started walking the hills in our neighborhood and we would get back, I would go nurse and nothing would come! Baby was hungry and I couldn’t do anything about it for a little bit. Thought we try again to see if it really did make a difference. And sure enough it happened again. So I stopped doing heavy exercising. Sounds crazy! But it happened to me!

    I had trouble nursing in general. I understand what it is like! I pray that you will be able to help your milk produce abundantly!! 🙂


    I also found casual walking okay, but not regimented exercise (unless I ate like a horse).  I’m sure you could do a bit on the treadmill, but I’d be cautious of overdoing it.  You likely do a lot in a day already, even if it doesn’t get you in shape.  If you do decide to go ahead and exercise, make sure your food intake matches.



    OK  so no exercise.  Cause I am not a big eater and I already have to make my self or remind myself to eat enough.  Oh well for now baby belly will have to stay!Wink


    Misty, have you tried starting to nurse every time on the *poorer* side?  I always end up lopsided somehow, and it helps to even out…

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