Newbie Intro


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  • krommama

    Hello!  My name is Sarah.  I’ve been a wife for 13 years and a mother for 12 years.  My son is in the sixth grade and my daughter is in the third grade.  This is my seventh year of homeschooling, and we have spent the past four years using AmblesideOnline.  I love the Charlotte Mason approach, although I haven’t quite managed to do nature/artist/music study as much as I would like.

    We are switching to Simply Charlotte Mason this fall, and I’m looking forward to the change.  There are several reasons for the switch.  My daughter isn’t ready to do year four of AmblesideOnline.  She is still a new reader.  My son is nearing the end of their history cycle, and I thought this coming year would be a great time for us all to start together in the first history module.  I’m excited to be doing more together.  I’m excited to simplify our school time and hopefully have more time for the things that get pushed by the wayside.  

    I’ve ordered the study handbook for module one and also spelling wisdom, and i look forward to getting started.





    Hi, Sarah!  I’m Sharity.  I’ve been a wife for 13 years and a mother for 12 years 🙂  I have 2 boys, 6th grade and 3rd grade. We’ve homeschooled all along.  I’ve already incorporated Spelling Wisdom into our lessons and love it!  We will also be starting module one in the fall.  Blessings to you!

    Richele Baburina

    Sarah, that sounds great!  We came to SCM for many of the same reasons – though can’t say enough about Ambleside being a great resource and have met lots of great people there.

    We are just finishing Module 1 as a family and have so enjoyed it.



    ps I really like your avatar.


    Thanks for the welcome Sharity and Richele!

    Ambleside is a great resource.  I’ve enjoyed using it for the past several years, but I think SCM will be a better approach for us now.  I really want to do more of my subjects together.  It was evident today, when I was reading D’Aulaire’s Greek Myths to my daughter.  It was a story that my son and I had just read recently in his Age of Fable book.  And then later, when I was reading Age of Fable with my son, we read a story that my daughter and I had just read recently in the D’Aulaire book!  I’m doing double the work!

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