Newbie here, saying hello

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  • linsforlife

    Hello everyone!  I’m new to the forum, but not to homeschooling.  I have 6 kiddos under age 10 (well, almost 11).  I first was introduced to the CM style a couple years ago.  Our family has lived through crisis-after-crisis-after-crisis for the last 6 years and so homeschooling has really been tough.  I have kept the focus on character development, chores/work ethic, including bible, reading, writing and basic math.  It’s all I have been able to do, and it’s really hard to not get discouraged.  I need HELP.  So I’m going to attend the workshop in TN.  We really can’t afford it, but I have to! I just don’t know how to move on and pick up the pace.  Anyway, Just wanted to introduce myself. =)


    Welcome!  You’ll find lots of help and encouragement here.


    Hi!  Welcome and enjoy the group – ask questions and there is almost always someone who can give you ideas.  I’l love to know your children’s ages as mine are the same range.  I have:

    • 10.5yo girl
    • 7yo boy
    • almost 6yo girl
    • 4yo boy
    • 2.5yo boy
    • 11 month old boy
    • baby #7 due in January (another little man, this time coming with health challenges – spina bifida, clubfeet, etc)

    One place to start reading is the Simply Charlotte Mason Series page, which gives you links to each series about a topic they’ve blogged on, including getting started and adding in subjects.



    Welcome! I’m also wondering the ages of your children.  Mine are 13yo dd, 12yo ds, and 11yo dd.  My son has mild autism.  I am parenting without my husband and have been living with my elderly father for 5 years.  I understand crisis mode and how it impacts homeschooling…..can’t tell you the last time I “slept in” or went on vacation, LOL!

    It seems as though the only major subjects you might want to add are history and science.  If your children are young, nature study is fine for science a couple of days a week and maybe add a couple of living books on science topics as read alouds here and there.  Science can be kept simple until the upper elementary and middle school years.  History also can be done just 3 or 4 days a week.  We do most of our history as read alouds since my son and I both love history (and his reading level currently requires that I read most of the books to him–or he would only get through a small portion of our books by the end of the school year).  I have my older daughter read a couple of additional books at her grade level.

    I like to prioritize our learning goals, and I feel as though learning to read well (and enjoy it) along with moving through various math skills are the most important things to work on.  The other things will fall in place more easily if reading is mastered.

    Welcome and enjoy the forum, lots of wonderful advice on here from all ages and families. I am sure you will find a warm welcome here and I am sure you will find the workshop a true blessing. Linda


    I also meant to mention that it is very easy to “sneak in” a little music and art here and there during the week.  You can play a certain composer’s works on cd at lunchtime or in the car, throw in a picture study of a certain artist in between subjects, and maybe read from brief biographies of these composers/artists as a family at bedtime once or twice a week.


    I just wanted to say welcome. I only have four children, 7, 5, 5 (2 months home from Ethiopia), and 2, but this board is an incredible source of happiness for me. This is the first time in home schooling that I am totally at peace with what we are learning and HOW we are learning it … thanks to SCM! Enjoy!


    Welcome, linsforlife!

    I’ve recently learned there are quite a few “large” family moms hanging out here (and that we don’t get invited to dinner parties:). I’m in and out often…busy with almost 8 children myself. I have 2 girls (14,11) and 6 boys (9,7,4,3,2, and due February 22nd).

    We’ve used SCM off and on for a few years, delving more deeply into it these last few months. There is a lot of encouragment to find within this forum, hope your time in TN is exactly what you’re needing to get on track!



    Welcome!  This is a wonderful, encouraging place to hang out and ask questions.  Please jump in as often as you need to as you’re getting your feet wet:)  Blessings, Gina

    Welcome! If you are speaking of the SCM workshop, you will gain a lot of good insight!

    Glad to “meet” you. 🙂


    Wow, thank you all for your welcome and encouragement.  It really brings me to tears to read my own post up there.  The last 6 years have been so hard, and we are still in the middle of a pretty tough crisis right now.  But I am really wanting to add history again.  I did add science and art again about a month ago 2-3 days a week.  My older 2 love it, and when I’ve tried to do history they loved that too, but it didn’t work for me (sonlight).  It’s been a good 3 years (or more) since we’ve done history/science consistently.  So, we’re behind in history, really behind in math with my older 2.  Most of the time I am okay with it all because I know that we have just had to live our life and do the best we can and know that we can pick up more as they are older, but when family start quizzing the kids (family who KNOW what we’ve gone through), my heart starts pumping. (Sue, you hit dead on as far as setting priorities and developing strong readers, which I definitely have).

    Anyway, to answer questions, my kids are 10 y.o. (+11 mos) boy, 9 y.o. girl, 7.5 y.o. girl, 6 y.o. boy, 4 y.o. boy, 2 y.o. girl.

    And yes, I’m going to the SCM workshop in TN this fri/sat!!  I’m SOOO excited, both for the workshop, and for some time away (though of course I will miss them all tremendously).


    Thanks again, it is so nice to “meet” you all!


    Hi, and welcome!  I’ve only been a part of this forum for a few months, but this group has been really helpful.  I tend to lurk and read more than post.  Are you from TN?  I live not too far from the workshop, and I debated about attending Saturday (I have Friday’s sessions on DVD), but I have been so busy lately I just need a Saturday to enjoy my family.  I hope it is really refreshing and encouraging for you!



    I have the DVD’s and still want to go to the “live” version.  Welcome!  It is very encouraging and helpful to be here.  =)  If you have focused that much with your children, you are doing better than others.  lol  You will find that adding the history and science a la SCM is simple and fun.


    Artcmomto3 – no, I’m from Indiana! I am driving 7 hours to go bc that is how badly I need the help. =).

    Thanks again, everyone. I am already encouraged! I’m sure this weekend will be awesome, too!


    I’m from IN, too.  Feel free to PM me:)  Gina

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