New School Year

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  • Misty

    I just wanted to post my upcoming schedule to you and see if you could just check it over and let me know: 1. Am I missing anything, 2. Does it look ok, and 3. If it were you what would you adjust/change/add/get rid of.

    My boys will be as follows: Keegan 12(6thgr), Darby 10 (5th), Tierney 8 (3rd), Quinlan 6(1st) & Sorley 4 (pre)

    Family: Daily: History/Geo/Bible Module 3, Science (land animals) & Literature.  Monday-Nature study, Tues – Poetry, Wed – Music & Character Building, Thrus – Picture.  In December Juius Caesar for Shakespeare.

    K&D : Daily (slowly) Jr. AG

    K, D, & T – 2x/wk Typing and 2x/wk Forgein Language (still just listening only 2nd year)

    Q – forgein lang. daily – he likes this and likes the games they have so it’s more for fun at this point and to give him an outlet while I’m with older/younger ones

    K, D, T, & Q: Daily: Personal Literature book, grammer from LL, Math from MUS, Copywork of some sort, Spelling either Spelling wisdom or just lists of words, Religion – personal books to study our Catholic faith, each there own Scripture memory verse,

    K&D; 1x/wk work on Health

    T&Q: 1x/wk work on Religion readers

    As for the little one Sorley: Handwriting without tears for letter/number practice, listen to mom read religion, a scripture memory verse, and start learning to read if ready.  These would not be everyday, just as can.  Also using Brightly ahh can’t think of this program I have used online (free).  Just really focusing on numbers, letters, etc.  Slowly, and lots of playtime with his little sister.

    OK>> How does it look?  Thanks.. I’m just trying to get ready to order some books as I can and wanted a couple thoughts.  Thansk Misty


    Forgot to add. handicraft/life skills.  I need idea’s.  I feel like the things I think of are really useless.  Do you schedule this or just do it as it comes.  I mean they all have chores, bedrooms, and bathrooms to tend to.  A corn stove to keep full and other things around the house.  Do I really need to have this as a “subject”?  Thoughts.



    Looks pretty good to me. I had a similar question on an earlier post about starting Module 1.

    I didn’t see a composer study or hymn study/singing. Maybe you already have it planned and just forgot to put it on your post. Or maybe it’s on your post and I didn’t see it. Embarassed

    For handicrafts/life skills, I don’t think you have to list chores on the scheduler, unless you’re going to use it as your checklist. There are a number of skills that you could add to your handicrafts/life skills like sewing on a button/mending a shirt/hemming pants and there’s no reason boys can’t learn to crochet or cross stitch. Those things sure do keep boredom at bay, if they’re interested. Your older boys could also learn some woodworking from your dh, if he knows how to teach them. 

    All of your children could participate in growing a garden this spring and summer, if you have the space for it. Your entire family might enjoy candle making or soap making. We make our own laundry soap, and it always turns into a family affair. (Granted, I only need to make it about once every three or four months. But eventually, I’d like to be able to entrust that chore to one of the children.) Your older boys could do some leather working or wood carving. Your younger children can watercolor, finger paint, make “cookies” w/ Play-Doh, a rolling pin, and cookie cutters. You could begin teaching all your children, except the two youngest how to cook and bake.

    Just yesterday, our family was in the craft store and noticed the dollhouse kits. How special it would be (if you can afford it, of course. Some of them were quite pricey.) your two oldest boys could custom-make a dollhouse for your daughter! 

    Hope that’s helpful. I think you’re going to be fine!



    Lindsy, thanks for the idea’s.  I have to ask how you make your own laundry soap?  I’ve heard of poeple doing it but never new someone who did it. 


    I have posted the recipe on my blog:

    I’ve been making my own since the time of that post, and it’s wonderful! I can’t even imagine all the money I’ve saved. I’m still using the same box of Borax too.

    One thing I would like to add: if you can find Arm & Hammer Washing Soda, use that instead of baking soda. The baking soda works fine, but I have noticed an improvement since using the Washing Soda. It wasn’t easy for me to locate, but I found it! Let me know if you make it and how you like it!


    I think Sewing is a great thing for boys to know.  I have to say I really appreciate that my husband can sew on a button himself or help mend a tear.  It also has other practical uses too.  We have a trampoline with a safety net, and the net has had tears.  My husband took a thin rope and sewed the holes in the net shut, so our net has lasted longer than most due to his sewing abilities!!

    For Life Skills, we also are working through Prepare and Pray.  It teaches survival skills and follows the Swiss Family Robinson book.


    Tell me MrsJamie.  How do you like this prepare and pray?  I looked it up and it’s very interesting.  Being you have it could you or would you be willing to share what type of things are in it.  Thanks

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