New here- questions about getting started

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Getting Started with CM New here- questions about getting started

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  • nanrykl

    Hi, my name is Nancy and we live in Baltimore.  I am switching from Konos to SCM and this is our first year homeschooling.  I also have a daycare and will be working around that schedule also.   I guess my questions are just interest in how others started, what resources new CM’rs used and how, and how to plan these.  I have not gotten my guide book yet so I am using the chart from online.  How do you develop the lesson plans?  And, lastly, is this considered a unit type study curriculum?  I would also appreciate any encouragement that you can offer.  Thanks!


    Hi Nancy!  Don’t think I have much suggestion for you yet, because we just started our first year homeschooling, but wanted to wish you luck!  We live in Westminster, so we are pretty close by to you 🙂



    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Nancy, and welcome. CM is not considered a unit study curriculum in the traditional sense of the term. Here’s a little article that might help clarify the difference between the two approaches.

    Have you seen the SCM Curriculum Guide? It has book suggestions. (I’m not sure which chart you’re referring to above, whether the curriculum guide or one of the weekly schedule examples. Smile ) And the CM Methods page might help with planning lessons.

    Feel free to ask as many questions as you want to. That’s what the forum is for, and there are a lot of wonderful ladies here with encouraging words!


    Hi Nancy,

    My name is Amanda, and I too am beginning our CM journey. I have been changing our curriculum over the past few weeks/month. My children are ages 7 and 9. How old are your kids?

    I first read everything on this website. Ordered the SCM Seminar on DVD and watched it (awesome resource), and have been posting questions on this forum when they arise. The people on this forum are sooo helpful, and extremely understanding. I also dowloaded the Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education e-book and have been working through it to help me plan.

    For 2nd and 3rd grades we are doing the following:

    Apologia Science (Zoology 3)

    SCM Module 5 History/Geography books for grades 1-3

    Sandi Queen’s Language Lessons for Little Ones(2nd grade son) & Language Lessons for the Elementary Child(3rd grade daughter)

    Sandi Queen’s Learning Spelling Through Copywork (my 2nd grade son)

    Spelling Wisdom Book 1 (3rd grade daughter)

    Saxon Math grades 2 &3

    Our own Bible reading and lessons.

    A Child’s Book of Character Building (habit training)

    SCM suggestions for Music, Literature, and Poetry from the curriculum modules

    Lyric Language Live! Spanish DVD

    And lots of livng library books 🙂

    Here are some links to read also:


    I hope this has helped, but not overwhelmed 🙂


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