New Curriculum Guide question

  • This topic has 13 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Sue.
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  • Mandi

    I may be a bit behind, but as I’m planning next year I see the website has changed under the curriculum guide.  There used to be a place that suggested artists, composers, etc. for various time periods in history.  I can’t seem to find that.  Does anyone know if that is still available?

    Joanna Simmons

    I am looking for this information as well. Specifically the sample schedules. What a bummer to find that it has changed!


    Doug Smith

    Also, if you go to Grades 1–12 Overview from the Our Curriculum menu it takes to the page that gets you to the things that were there before.


    Thanks–that guide has been a go-to for me the last two years. I hope it still lists recommendations by grade level. I wonder why it was changed. I liked sharing about SCM by sending people directly to the “Free Curriculum Guide” and thought it was laid out nicely.

    Doug Smith

    It hasn’t really changed, Melissa. There was an intro page and then that linked to the overview chart. That chart is what is in the menu as the Grades 1–12 Overview. All the stuff it linked to is still there just like before.


    Glad to hear it! I especially like the specific suggestions for literature for the various age groups. I’ll take a look soon–about ready to plan for the year. Will be looking at Enrichment Studies 3 lesson plans.

    Doug Smith

    FYI, I just posted a long explanation of why we changed our pages over in another forum discussion.


    I’m just a little bit confused as to what exactly from the old guide was temporarily restored.  Somewhere on the Grades 1-12 Overview  page (maybe at the bottom?), there was a link that said something about visiting the Old Curriculum Guide.  It took you to the charts as they were laid out in the old guide with links to the books listed.

    I am not finding that link now.  Am I looking for the wrong thing?  Are you saying just the books themselves have been restored to the Bookfinder?


    Sue, here is the link to the old outdated guide.  It will be removed Oct. 1, 2017.

    Doug Smith

    We’re not linking to those outdated pages from our current pages any more. But the pages still exist for those who had bookmarked them.


    Hmm….when I click on Wings2Fly’s link to go to the old curriculum guide, the history books look the same to me as the new guide.  For example, I am pretty sure that the Oxford Children’s History of the World was listed for Family in module 2 (Ancient Egypt), but it’s not there.

    It’s not really a big deal to me as I am sure I have most, if not all of the books from the old guide somewhere in lists I’ve created for use over the years, but it’s a curious thing.  My youngest only has two years of high school left, so having that material is not critical to me.

    Doug Smith

    We may have updated the old ones when we replaced Oxford, but I don’t recall. If we did, those would have probably been the last changes to the old ones.


    So maybe the old book list for that module just happens to be exactly the same as the new guide’s list.  Could be, and I just didn’t investigate enough.

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