New CM Organizer Barcode Reader Video

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  • Doug Smith

    We just uploaded a new video showing how simple it is to use a barcode reader with the CM Organizer. Entering new books into the CM Organizer is already fairly quick by typing the ISBN number and letting it fill in many of the details. We recently added some features that allows it to work very well with an inexpensive barcode readers, and that speeds it up even more.

    What do you all think? Is this something you might like to use?


    Well, I know when I’m at a bookstore, I can use my iPhone to look up books (price comparison) using the ISBN number.  Would this feature work with an iPhone?  I know that while it’s very useful, not to mention the cool factor, I wouldn’t spend the money on a scanner.  I’d rather use that money for books.  Wink


    If the scanner could fill in chapter titles I would be all over it!  Otherwise, I’m with Cindy….I’d rather have books Laughing.


    Ooh, automatic chapter title fill in?  If that’s a possibility, I’m all over that!  


    I want/need to get a scanner for my home library software anyway.  Just one more excuse to go shopping….

    Doug Smith

    @Cindie2dds, Unfortunately, we don’t have a way to feed the information from an iPhone scan into the Organizer. That’s a great idea, though. I know it would be possible but it would take a good deal of work.

    @Scherger5, We do the lookup and automatic fill in from Amazon but they don’t have chapter titles available. We’re working on the next best thing, though, which is sharing of resources you enter with everyone else and shared editing of resource details. We hope our little community here will work together to share books that everyone can use and benefit from without duplicating so much entry work.

    I already have a scanner that works with so I think that would work – my scanner gives all details I could possibly want, I love it, so this new feature will be great – thanks Doug.  Linda


    Does someone have a link to a barcode reader they might recommend? I’m curious. I think I’ll be using the Organizer for this coming school year and the initial entry of info seems somewhat overwhelming.


    Found some links on the video!

    Doug Smith

    Yes, Linda, just about any barcode reader should work. Be sure to let us know how it goes when you get a chance to try it.

    I will do that Doug, I hope to have time to do it this weekend.  I bought the opticon scanner from and though it as not cheap, it works great – I use it for movies, books and as I have a very large collection it really simplifies keeping track of what I have.  Linda

    Doug, I am in love with this new feature – thanks you, thank you – it works great and I recommend it highly.  Often in the past I put the ISBN in incorrectly, now that is avoided and it works wonderfully.  Just thought I would let you know and also to tell you that I am using my hubby’s scanner, my other one did not work as well.  This one is one of the two that you show on your video, and it works like a charm.  Thank you – Linda

    Doug Smith

    Well, we still don’t have an iPhone app, but if you were to visit and follow the instructions, you might be able to use your iPhone to scan barcodes and add resources to the CM Organizer. Smile 

    In theory, it should also work for other devices with a camera like an iPod Touch, iPad 2, Android, or Windows 7 Phone, but I haven’t tested them.

    Let us know how it goes if you try it.


    Thanks, Doug! When I get home from my trip, i will try it. You guys are too awesome!



    I downloaded the app, then tried to click on the link provided so i could enter it into Safari; however, the link didn’t work…

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