Netflix question

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  • I use an HDMI cord to connect my laptop to my TV to be able to stream. Most of what is available for streaming in terms of movies are not usually the most current, but they have a ton of TV shows available. I don’t watch regular TV at all (ok, very rarely) and I’m kind of a sci-fi junkie – thanks to netflix I can stream all my faves! Star Trek TNG and all the rest, Farscape, Doctor Who, Stargate – these are what put me to sleep on the nights I have insomnia! lol. They have a lot of classic movies and lots of documentaries too. We still do a DVD at home, one at a time, bc so many movies are NOT available for streaming. We do use our library quite a bit too – but we can only keep movies for 2 days – and its $1 per day overdue fine. I’ve paid way to many of those…. at least it goes to the library. sigh.

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