need prayer–having doubts


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  • LindseyD


    First of all, I just want to tell you that you have already won a great battle by posting your feelings. If Satan can convince you to hide in fear and doubt, then he’s won. But you have exposed darkness to the light, and I know you’re going to be completely victorious.

    Secondly, I want you to know that I have been in the exact place that you are right now. It’s been several years, but I remember the sleepless nights, the nausea, and the fear like it was yesterday. It was so miserable. One night, I had to go to someone (a girl whose brother I later married Laughing), and with childlike tears and faith I bawled to her that I doubted my salvation. She asked me simply, “Do you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, that he died on the cross, and that God raised Him from the dead?” And I responded, “Yes.” Then she said, “And you’ve just confessed that belief with your mouth. Lindsey, you’re saved.” Right there, I knew that there was nothing–no doubt, no fear, no action on my part–that could tear me away from resting in knowing my salvation. Ever since then, there have been times when I have allowed the devil to creep those thoughts back into my mind. Whenever that happens, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I stop and remind myself of that promise: “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9).

    So, Karen I’m going to ask you, Do you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, that He died on the cross, and that God raised Him from the dead? If you said “yes!” then you’re saved!

    Remember, according to Ephesians 2:8,9, salvation is a gift. Reading your Bible everyday isn’t what saves you. Praying everyday isn’t what saves you. Sure, those things are essential to a fruitful and growing walk with Christ, but they are not your salvation. Your salvation is in Christ Jesus alone. Praise Him for that because all you have to do is believe in your heart and confess with your mouth! The Bible-reading and praying can be things you work on daily.

    In addition to talking with your pastor (and may I suggest that you have your husband present during that time), I encourage you, if you haven’t already, to share your feelings and doubts with your husband. Ask him to pray over you, to bind doubt and fear in Jesus’ name, and to take back the authority that the enemy has illegally stolen. As your spiritual head, he can come in agreement with you against this attack and encourage you and keep you accountable as you grow and become more secure in your salvation. 

    I am praying for you, and I hope you are encouraged even now,


    Jodie Apple

    Karen, just thinking about you and wondering how you are.


    You’re on my heart as well, Karen. Did you get a chance to talk with your pastor on Tuesday?

    How is your hubby doing?  I do hope both of you are doing better – you are still in my prayers,  Linda

    Trials are not enemies of faith but are opportunities to prove God’s faithfulness


    Thanks for asking. I’m feeling much better. I realized that the fear comes when I’m out of my comfort zone for whatever reason.


    I wondered how your husband is. You’ve gotten great spiritual encouragement, so I’ll tell you a practical gall stone story. I don’t know if you found out if it was that, but I’ll tell the story.

    I went to the chiropractor after I’d been to the emergency room with gall bladder pain-no stones on the ultrasound. She said to drink about 1/2 cup of room temp water with a spoon of olive oil and a spoon of lemon juice in it at least once a day for a while. I did that, and when I’m doing it I can eat pizza again! It was really hurting me off and on. 

    So then a friend of mine was having terrible pain and I had her do it. She passed a lot of stones the next day! If she had been able to stand the pain, she could probably have cleared it that way. She did end up having it removed. My chiropractor said in all her years of practice, she has helped nearly everyone with gall bladder pain (stones or not). It really is better to keep the gall bladder than to have it removed.

    Just thinking about you and your husband. I’m glad you’re feeling better.


    We don’t have a diagnosis yet. The ultrasound was inconclusive; the soonest we could get into a GI is in 2 weeks. He has switched to water and fruit juice from carbonated drinks. We think he passed a stone over the weekend.

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