So we are going to do SCM Module 3 for history/geo/bible next year, and I’ve already bought all of the recommended resources to accompany it except Famous Men of Rome from Greenleaf. We have NOT enjoyed Famous Men of Greece this year, and I don’t want to risk a similar situation next year. I really thought we could work through our issues with Famous …Greece, but I am to the point of dreading every lesson we read from it. We will finish out this year with it since we’re almost done, but I definitely need something different and better written for next year.
Can you recommend a resource to substitute in place of Famous Men of Rome?
I have had a friend, who has never found a history curriculum she enjoys, suggest Mystery of History. When I told her I was considering Story of the World, she frowned and said they didn’t like it. So, I really don’t know what to get! I do know that I’m not going to buy 10 different resources and hope that one of them works for us.
Appreciate any help you can offer,