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  • dsulliv1


    I don’t write often but when I do, I know that I will get great wisdom from you ladies.  I need some help really fast.  I have four children, and two are 12 year old boy twins.  Lately, there has been alot of teasing and arguing between the two.  The can be best friends, and then there is this INTENSE arguing.  One child is very serious about following rules and has an honest heart.  The other one is kinda sly in a sense, a good child but really needs some discipline, I think.  I have caught him in lies before!!  I know a lot of this is my fault-I have a serious medical condition that tires me out, and I am not always on top of things.

    What I really need, I think, is some type of bible study, devotion, or something that will make a change in the one child’s heart.(the “sly one).  I know he needs to be more in touch in Jesus and the bible, and I have been lacking in this area.  We are reading about Moody in an autobiography right now but we need scriptures! 


    Does anyone have any good bible study, devotions or something I can use with these boys?   It would be great to use it with the whole family-we have 17 year old girl and 15 year old girl.  But if that is to wide of a range of ages, then I desperately need something for the boys!

    Thanks you listening to my long post and giving me your time!



    I have seen this series twice. It changes my life every time. This is not a devo for children. This is for parents because it starts with us as guardians of our kids’ hearts. Watch it with your spouse. I promise it is worth every penny. Share it with other parents. Remember, you cannot teach your children obedience, love, grace, forgiveness, etc if you do not become an open, honest, spirit-led example for them. Pray. Read God’s word. Pray.

    Alicia Hart

    Prayer and really loving my kids is the main thing that helps to change my kids’ hearts.  My dh and I are going through the Love Dare Book for parents.  It is FABULOUS!  We are realizing that we have so much to change at our home.  This is a wonderful gem of a book.


    I don’t think any book is going to change your son’s heart. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. Of course more Bible in one’s life is always good. It sounds like reading through Genesis could be good for your family, maybe with particular emphasis on Jacob and Esau. Though part of what those stories shows us is that God does not always choose to use the people you would expect. I would be careful of labeling one boy as good and the other as the troublemaker. You don’t know either of their hearts for sure. I have one boy who is a lot like you describe and though it is hard to go five minutes sometimes without yelling at him, I also see that he had a lot of qualities God could really use some day, like a willingness to speak up and no fear of conflict. I would try to point out your son’s good qualities as you see them rather than focusing too much on the negative. We are currently reading the Impossible Robert Rogers (I think that is the title). It is about a boy who was impossible but used those qualities to fight the French and Indians. I’d look for stories like that that show how difficult boys made good. Don’t comment a lot on them, just read them.


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