Nature Study/ Gardening

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  • Mrs_Longworth

    My dear Friends,

    I am putting in a spring garden, and find my lesson time is so limited! Has anyone ever combined Nature Study with gardening? If so, how? I need details!

    Love, Chana

    Karen Smith

    Gardening can certainly count as nature study. From planting to harvest, there are quite a few things to notice and record.

    Some ideas:

    • Notice the growth of the plant from seed to seedling to mature plant.
    • Record how long it takes for each type of seed to sprout.
    • Record how long it takes from blossoming to ripe fruit. Or from seed to harvest. Are your results similar to what was on the seed package or the plant tag?
    • Record the size of the vegetables to what is on the seed package.
    • Notice the difference in seeds for the different types of plants, the spacing for planting, and the depth each type of seed should be planted.
    • Notice the different types of leaves and stems for the different types of plants.
    • Notice the types of insects that visit the various vegetables. When do you notice more insects? Where do you notice more insects? What kind of insects are on each plant? What other garden critters do you notice (slugs, mice, moles, grubs, worms, etc.)?

    Wow! What fabulous ideas! Thank you, Karen!

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