Nature Studies for young ones

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  • amyjane

    I have started taking my 5yrds on what I would call “purposeful” nature walks. What I mean is I am trying point out things in nature to him to catch his attention. Currently he does not seem to interested. He just loves to pick up sticks and sword fight with his brother. I guess my question is can I expect him to naturally become curious or do I need to continue nudging him in that direction. He loves being outdoors and he loves nature walks but right now he just skims over things he sees. Sometimes, especially last fall, he would notice the different colors of the leaves but now he is just into playing. I am ok with that for now but I just needed to know if I should be doing something to encourage him to take notice?


    I am curious to hear the replies because I have the same problem with my son. He just does not seem interested in drawing anything into a nature journal. He loves to be outside but doesn’t seem to pay a whole lot of attention to what he sees unless its something we have discovered in the past. I currently don’t have any advice for you.

    Sonya Shafer

    Sounds like your little guys might benefit from a low-key family “Firsts Calendar” just to get their feet wet. Get a calendar and note on it any “firsts” that you notice when you are outside. Like the first daffodil of the spring, the first frost, the first hummingbird, the first leaves falling, etc. Those will gently nudge them toward noticing nature but in a fun together-type way. No pressure; we’re just noticing things together as a family and jotting them down. Then next year they can refer back to that calendar in anticipation of seeing again those “old friends” that they’ve discovered in the past.

    Beyond that, let them play. And remember that Charlotte advocated a lot of time playing outside AND that using those “natural obstacles” involved in climbing, walking, etc. are part of her curriculum. (Our e-mail for this week will be about this very concept! Stay tuned or sign-up. 🙂 )

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