Natural Cold Remedies

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  • csmamma

    What do you all do to shorten the duration of a cold? Have you found any natural cold remedies that really work? So far we’ve increased Vitamin C intake and drank lots of hot water with lemon & honey. Any other ideas would be helpful.

    Thanks, Heather


    We have found this site helpful.  There’s lots of info tucked away…click on everything.


    A drop of oil of oregano. (It’s strong, especially when you first try it.) If you try this, be sure to get the food-grade oil. It really does seem to ward off colds and sore throats if you take a drop as soon as the symptoms appear.

    Doug Smith

    What do you all do to shorten the duration of a cold?

    Get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids.

    Have you found any natural cold remedies that really work?

    Wash your hands and stay away from sick people.

    I know that’s probably not exactly what you were looking for, but these common sense, time-tested basics make a huge difference. 🙂


    Elderberry Juice.  We really like Natural Sources Elderberry at iHerb.  I start that and Nuwati Herbal Tea – The Healer right away and it usually will not even turn into a cold.


    We do Elderberry too.  I’ll usually give it to the kids BEFORE they’re going to be exposed to germs – church on Sunday, plane trip, etc…, and then at the first sniffle if you give more it’s supposed to help keep it from turning into anything serious or miserable.


    The vit C thing.. give them so much that they actually get the poops.  It will seem like a lot but it is a natural flush for the body.  We do this every 6 months. 

    Garlic, slice it up and put it on a piece of buttered bread.  If they wont eat it cut it up and swallow like a vitamin.

    That’s my tride and true favorites. Misty

    Michelle Kelly

    We do garlic & honey at the start of sypmtoms.  Lots of water & hot tea.  Hubby and one of our daughters find licorice tea helps tremendously, the rest of us drink honey lemon or peppermint.  Steam & warm baths.  Lots of oranges and veggies, chicken soup.

    We’ve had a virus in the house for about 2 weeks now, and thankfully, it’s been so much milder than what we’ve heard other people in town endure!


    This may not be what most people want to hear, but most of us don’t eat processed sugar-ever. We don’t seem to get sick as often as other people, and not for as long when we do.

    We have a lot of food allergies here, so that’s why we dropped it-it was on the allergy list. The destist even says he can tell from out teeth we don’t eat sugar.

    Also, we avoid antibiotics like the plague, so we still have a working immune system. Actually, I’ve heard that processed sugar supresses your immune system for a period of time after eating it.

    We also put alcohol on our toothbrushes when someone is sick.


    Art, I totally agree.  I try very hard to feed my family “real” food.  We have chickens and two milk cows.  I also mill my own grains and we grow a garden.  It has made SUCH a difference in my family’s health.  I have had a little sniffle this week for the first time in years and I have had asthma to the point of needing my inhaler every day for 15 years.  Since we got our cows in August, I haven’t used it once.

    I use Echinacea as well.  Whenever I feel the slightest sniffle or scratchy throat, I take it and have yet to have anything much come of it.  I think that’s what saved me from the HORRIBLE cold my husband has had this week.  (Dh is a pharmacist and doesn’t agree with my medicinal choices…but he does humor me and agrees to help me milk my cows.  Smile)


    Garlic and lemon. 

    Mince a clove or two of garlic and mix with the juice of one lemon. Don’t use pre-minced garlic or lemon juice out of a bottle. It works like a natural anti-biotic. Shoot it down 2-3x a day. You’ll be feeling better by the beginning of day 2. 

    I worked at our chiro’s office a while back, and this is the remedy we gave everyone who was suffering from anything. It works for stomach viruses, ear infections, colds, upper respiratory stuff, anything.

    Our entire family got strep throat last year, and we took nothing but garlic and lemon. We were over it in about 3 days. Smile

    And, if you get a fever, don’t fight it with Tylenol or Advil. Let your body do its thing. Fever is a natural immune system reaction, and it’s nothing to be feared unless it goes above 103.

    Hand-washing, lots of fluid and plenty of rest are also recommended.Wink



    I’ve been reading up on oil of oregano. Does anyone use this for prevention of viruses, bacteria, etc.? Has oil of oregano helped anyone when they’ve caught a cold?

    I used to get strep throat yearly since 2 mos old! Then it stopped for 10 yrs…then last May I got it 3 times, now 1 time this year. So I’m hoping cutting out sugar as much as possible, taking oil of oregano, eating healthy, and exercising will help prevent it!

    I’ve read taking zinc losenges first couple days helps shorten the duration of a cold.

    I so wish we could get some cows! But alas we live in town. And chickens. And my husband would laugh if I said I wanted a cow or two.



    You’ve all given such great advice! With your suggestions, we’ll knock those colds out before they even have a chance to take over.

    Thanking Him for all of you! ~ Heather



    Something to seriously consider especially during winter is D-3. It really helps protect from viruses which is what the flu and common cold are.


    We do a lot of what’s been mentioned.  Just wanted to 2nd the vit. D-3, too.  I read that the CDC acknowledged that a common link to swine flu deaths was low Vit. D.  Our nutrionist rec. 1,000 IU daily for the adults.  The kids get 400 IU in the Calcium/Magnesium we use.  Recommendations vary, but you do have to be careful to not take too much unless you’re blood testing. 

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