Native American Books

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  • cpmama

    My DS9 was gifted a set of radio theater CDs about Squanto and the Pilgrims. This has sparked his interest in early Native Americans. I was hoping you all could help me with some book recommendations for him. He is interested in their culture, what they wore, etc. Any ideas you all could give me are much appreciated!


    The If You Lived series has several about different native tribes. Search “If you lived with the” on Amazon and they come up. These really are ideal to answer those sorts of questions because they are in a question format to cover the same topics for each tribe. You get to see the similarities and differences.

    Participant has some Native American books listed.


    Check out sonlight Core D.  There are some great living books on that list.


    Book of Indians by Holling


    Another one – The Indian Book. It is a Childcraft Annual from 1980. I’m using it with some of my kids this fall. Here is what I like:

    Lots of pictures adorn the sides or tops of the pages woven around the story.

    Divided by tribe.

    Tells both about the tribe and shares a story/myth they would have shared with their children.

    Has some scattered crafts in case any of my kids want to do that on their own.


    Sonia Bleeker wrote a series of books on various Native American tribes. They are very well written and we enjoyed them immensely when my kiddos were elementary age. We discovered them through Truthquest history guides. Our small local library had several of them.


    When my son was 9 he loved! Meet North American Indians by Elizabeth Payne.  It is an older book that I found in a thrift book sale.  My son (now 11) read it many times and still likes to read about anything to do with the Old West.

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