Narration in High School

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  • ErinD

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. I read here a lot but have never posted because I don’t really consider myself a CM homeschooler, but I do use CM/classical methods of writing and so far have had good success with them.

    I thought this might be a good place to ask about narration in high school. I have a 9th grade son (my first high schooler) and although I have tried many writing programs with him already, I am really struggling to teach him to write an essay. So I was thinking of taking a break from intense writing instruction and just letting him write narrations for a while. I have a hunch that if I just give him a bit of free reign, he might surprise me, instead of stifling him with all this essay format, if that makes sense. I can always bring the format back later once he’s developed some confidence.

    My question, then, is if you could share how you do narrations in high school. How long and how many per week? Do you still do some summaries/retellings? Or are most of them responses to specific questions (for example, what were the events that led up to the first World War)?

    Thank you so much for any help!


    I just thought I would come back and update my own thread. 😀

    I read about everything I could find about narration in high school and I started having my son write narrations 3x a week. He did beautifully, almost from the very beginning. My hunch was right, and now he is writing 3 per week. Most of them are longer than a page. I am doing a mix of summaries or retellings, different types of essays and book reviews.

    I am really happy with his progress. This was what he needed all along. I just thought I would put this here in case anyone else is searching for threads about narration in high school.


    So glad to hear how well narration is working for your son, Erin! That’s wonderful news!


    Erin, thanks for updating. 🙂

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