MOH to SCM history

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  • Corrine

    Hello, I have a question and I am wondering if anyone can help assist me. I am thinking about changing our history. We are currently using Mystery of History Vol. 1 which covers Creation to the Resurrection. My DD will be in 4th grade next year and DS in 1st grade. I thought I would use more living books with MOH, but it just didn’t work. So, now I am thinking of using SCM’s history. I’m just not sure where to jump in at. So, MOH Vol. 1 was Creation to the Resurrection and if we continued Vol. II would be The Early Church and the Middle Ages. I do see that SCM has a Middle Ages one, do I start there, or would I possibly be missing to much history if I did that in other areas of how she does history? I know jumping from curriculum to curriculum is always hard. For those of you who have used the SCM history curriculum, do you feel it is complete? Do you also feel that you have a good sense of the events that happened in chronological order? That was my big thing, I wanted to read living books, but I was never sure what book to read first because I’m awful with history and I couldn’t tell you what happened first or second. Do the guides help with that? We are using History Through The Ages (homeschooling in the Woods) timeline figures. Will I be able to continue using these with SCM’s books? Do they say when to use what figure and where to put them in the timeline?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!



    I don’t think you would have any problems switching to SCM history guides. (We absolutely love them). I would start with the Middle Ages Volume 4 which covers the Renaissance and Reformation so that might be review for you and you could skip some or all of it or you could read and enjoy the books that are recommended. You can continue using your time like or start a Book of Centuries like they suggest. Then as you read a book about a great person or special event just add it to your timeline. HTH!

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