Mod 1 and Mod 5

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  • HSMom03

    Can Mod 1 and Mod 5 be done at the same time, in any way??  Kind of need to do both for various reasons.

    Thank you!!

    Tamara Bell

    That is not something we recommend.  Those 2 guides combined are worth 1.5 credits (1 in world history and 1/2 in American history) as well as 1/2 + 1/3 credit towards Bible.


    Thank you so much for replying!!  I figured on that.

    It is difficult to choose a time period in our situation as well as everyone needing a different time period and not having enough time for all 6 modules.


    Hello –

    This was my question exactly. What do you recommend when beginning with SCM history guides and the oldest student is in grade 9? We are Canadian and do not have an American history credit requirement; we have freedom to choose which courses we teach and when. I was hoping to have my grade 9 student go through Modules 1 and 5 this year (possibly replacing the American history materials with Canadian), 2 and 6 next year, leaving 3 and 4 for grades 11 and 12 when I expect he will be busier with outside work opportunities. He enjoys history and historical fiction. I am not looking for rigorous history courses, just a good overview from a Christian perspective. He enjoys history and historical fiction.


    Some curriculium is written so that you read from ancient to modern history every year, reading a select fewer books for each time period per year. So I think you can combine as much as you want but you would not be able to do it as written. You would basically select a few books per time period and have your student read those. Maybe select a time period per quarter, semester, or term and decide how much could be covered in those weeks. It would be more of a broad overview of history, but it could work. I know many curriculiums are written to be more overview, but an overview year could lead itself to help your student find a time period that really interests them. My husband did Millitary History one year in highschool. It was from Ancient through Modern and it studied history through millitary events, it was his favorite history program he ever did.

    You can get creative, but it would not be as written through the guides.

    You can also assign some of the history reading as literature, just don’t feel pressured to do all the suggested books from multiple schedules in one year 🙂


    Thanks. I have borrowed my sister’s copy of module 5 and am getting a feel for how it works. Would appreciate hearing from someone who has done it and has tips to share.

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