Midsummer Night audio version

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  • Karen

    What version of the audio did you all like? There are mixed reviews about the Arkangel version on Audible, and mixed reviews of the versions on LibriVox.  So which should we start with? I would hate to change in the middle b/c of associating characters with their voices.

    I’m leaning towards FREE, so opinions for LibriVox versions would be most welcome.



    We listened to the Arkangel of Much Ado about Nothing last year.  I was impressed with it and will do more Arkangel productions.  We follow along with the written script for about 15 minutes each lesson.


    We listened to the Arkangel of Midsummer while following along with the SCM guide.  We enjoyed it very much.  We haven’t used the Librvox versions.


    We are doing Comedy of Errors this year.  I see that LibriVox has it with a cast, so it may be more like a dramatization than a reading.  Since it is free, we will try that version this year for comparison to Arkangel.



    And there are three versions of Comedy of Errors on LibriVox!  I don’t know which one is best, but I already downloaded the first one so I will try that.


    Thank you all!


    We have used both the librivox and Arkangel versions. The librivox ones are free and better than nothing, but the quality in sound and voices can really be lacking in them. The Arkangel versions are professionally produced so the sound quality is really good and they flow somewhat better because the people doing the parts are more familiar with the content, the sound and flow of the words. They are excellent. If at all possible, I would use them first.




    My daughter and I are listening to the Arkangel audio of this play once a week. This is our first time reading through, and listening to, an actual Shakespeare play. I’m not sure what I think, to be honest. The audio is done very well. The acting is superb. However, Puck is downright scary! My daughter would have been terrified of him when she was younger. Then there are areas where the dialogue gets a bit suggestive. Young children wouldn’t even notice it but my daughter looked at me and said “Mom! Why are we listening to this?!”

    I’m working through theses issues as I type and I think my conclusion for my family is that we will study one play a year but I am glad I waited until my daughter was 14 to move on to the actual plays. I wouldn’t use the actual plays with young children but that’s just me.

    I much prefer using Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare through elementary school and into middle school.


    Thanks so much for the heads up. I really appreciate that.

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