May we do a: What are your plans for next year post?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education May we do a: What are your plans for next year post?

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  • Des

    Our new year will be starting at the end of July, this will be the first year i’m going totally CM, in the past i’ve tried to use some of her principles in our homeschool.  I will be using several new curriculum this year as well and I suppose that’s partly why i’m a nervous wreck.  So, what will you be using when you start your new school year?  Thanks




    PS.  I will post mine in a bit!


    I’m not quite ready to plan next year in detail, but I know some broad changes I need to make. We did far too many extra-curricula activities this past school year and spent too much time in groups and way too much time commuting from place to place. The activities were fine and most of the people were wonderful, but I lost control (gave away control) of my at-home, family schedule. I don’t want that to happen again next year so our group activities will be more limited.

    Richele Baburina

    Hi Des,

    Our school year starts Sept. 1 and goes through the end of May.  We are required 180 days here in Mass.  We have a completely different summer schedule in which we put together our portfolio (presented to superintendent in August) as well as pursue a “multiplicity of interests.” 

    I hope you and your family love going totally CM!



    This year I will be teaching my almost 7yos and 6yos whom we just adopted from China.  (My oldest just finished his first  year of college…Cry)  We are required to have 180 days and are on 170 now.  I start the “next year” as soon as we have our 180 days so we’ll begin very soon.  Here’s what we’re doing:

    Bible – Training Hearts, Teaching Minds (a study based on the Westminster Shorter Catechim which we memorize as well,) along with scripture memory.

    Phonics/Reading – Reading Made Easy

    History – TruthQuest American History for Young Students I

    Science – 106 Days of Creation, nature study

    Art and Composer study


    Math – Math on the Level

    Suzuki violin (my 7yo is finishing his 3rd year, my 6yo will just be starting)

    Living books in all subjects, of course.  I own a living books library so this is the easy part.  Narration on what we read.  And geography/map study based on what we’re studying.  We also live on a farm so there’s all kinds of work to do and things to learn.

    Honestly, this will be our 15th year of homeschooling and I think I look more forward to this year than any. 


    Hi Des,

      I have just started planning our next school year.  We do schooling year round starting in Sept. and going right through the summer.  We just take breaks when we need to for health and life reasons.  It works well for us but because I know that I will be busy through the summer with schooling still, I like to get a jump on planning for the next year.  So I start in the spring and if I need to take my time I know I have most of the summer to tweak things if needed.  So, this is not “official” yet but these are my plans so far.  Oh, I’ll be doing grades 1-3 starting in the fall.

      Family work:

     Bible/Hist/Geog.-Josh-Malachi;Ancient Greece;Middle East

    Science- one of the elem. science coarses from Apologia/living books correlating to coarse material

    Spanish- El Espanol Facil!

    Canadian Studies- study history chronologically starting from “the Vikings” and also using the “Dear Canada” and the “Our Canadian Girl” books as well as other picture books from the library.

    Scripture Memory- Scripture memory pack #2 from SCM guide

    Literature- Module 2 from SCM. with a few revisions for books we have already read.

    Poetry- read poems as part of our bedtime/literature time as a family from the book “Favorite Poems Old and New”

    Picture Study- have not decided which artists to study yet.  Work on 3-6 artists for the year

    Music study- have not decided which composers to study yet.  Work on 3-6 composers for the year

    Nature study- lots of outside time, observation assignments, taking pictures and making albums as well as making entries into nature notebooks

    Individual work:

    grade 3 dd- copywork everyday ( not sure yet if this will be from misc. books or from specific copywork books)

                   – Eng.for the Thoughtful Child book 2

                   – Right Start Math level D ( she may need to still finish up level C at the beginning of the year first)

                   – Handicrafts; needlpoint, beading, scrapbooking

                   – ballet classes

    gr 1-2 ds  – Copywork everyday either from SCM copywork pages or from specific copywork book

                  –  Right Start Math level A ( he will probably zoom through this so he will also start level b right after)

                  –  Reading lessons everyday with supplemental phonics worksheets (just because he loves them)

                  –  pathway readers for grade 1

                  –  Tae Kwan Doe and one sport of his choosing.  probably baseball or soccer.

                  –  Handicrafts; not sure what to get him to work on yet.

    Well, that’s about it I think.  Like I said these are prone to “tweaking” and as you can see I still am not sure about some specifics.  HTH’s 

      happy schooling!



    I like seeing what others are incorporating in to their year! It’s such a unique gift to be home schoolers eh? I have been told that I am as much a classical as CM’er. It’s my delivery of my classical choices that keep our days as CM as possible. We create alot of our own projects and use our sketchbooks oin many subjects.

    I am doing grade 4 (with a bit of grade 3 still) with our daughter and Grade 1 with our son. Mind you baby #3 will make next year a learning experience for me as a multitasking teacher lol.

    Grade 4 Daughter:

    LA: 1st Language Lessons Level 4 ( love the narration & copywork elements of this program), Writing With Ease Level 2, Classically Cursive, Poetry Pattern- Charla Jones, How to Report on Books – Evan Moore, Grammar of Spelling – Matt Whitling, Dictionary/Thesaurus/Notebook for spelling & vocabulary journal.

    Math: Teaching Textbooks

    Science: Noeo Biology 1 Pack(very CM designed!), Naturestudy with Sketchbooking

    Socials: From time Immemorial -Pacific Edge Publishing, Jr Atlas of Canada & the World -PEP, library book finds

    Bible: A Virtuous Girl bible study- Queen Homeschool

    Health: From Girl to Woman, The Boy & the Rose, Talks to Girls -all Queen Homeschool

    Art: Artistic Pursuits, Library book bios of artists that catch her eye

    Music: undecided

    Grade 1 Son:

    LA: 1st Language Lessons Level 1, Writing With Ease Level 1, The Phonics Museum Grade 1, Poetry Pattern – Charla Jones, 100 Words –, notebook & dictionary

    Math: MathUSEE Alpha

    Science: Noeo Physics 1 Pack (very CM designed!), Nature Study & Sketchbooks

    Socials: The Story of Canada- Janet Lynn with creating our own lapbooks, Jr Atlas of Canada & the World- Pacific Edge Press

    Bible: Scripture memory work, Life Lessons from the Squire and the Scroll – Jennie Bishop

    Health: Home Stories, and Habit Revisited – both Queen Homeschool

    Music: undecided


    there is our year in a nutshell book wise. -tania


    I’m glad this question was asked because it will give me an opportunity to actually write down what I’ve got in my head. Our school year begins the day after Labor Day in Sept. and goes until we finish. Texas has virtually no homeschool laws, but ps requires 180 days, so I try to stick with that. We are on 135 right now, and do school yearround. I estimate that we will finish this year by the end of July and hopefully take the full month of August off! We are currently taking a break because we are moving.

    6yo–1st grade:

    Math: Continue Math U See’s Alpha

    Reading: various living book selections (he wants to try to read Charlotte’s Web by himself, so we’ll see how that goes), and Pathway Readers


    History: Module 1-Gen. thru Deut. and Ancient Egypt

    Geography: Ancient Egypt, plus learning the world’s continents and oceans and beginning the U.S. map

    Grammar: continue w/ English for the Thoughtful Child, vol. 1


    Reading: We will attempt to finish Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons…we are taking an indefinite break from it right now.

    Math: playing with older brother’s MUS blocks


    Science: 106 Days, nature study

    Literature: Black Beauty, Little House series, and other selections

    Bible: Memorize no more than 36 verses, daily Bible reading

    Poetry: Lewis Carroll, memorize at least 6 poems

    Composer Study: undecided, but will probably follow the curriculum guide

    Picture Study: same as composer study

    Various handicrafts, including card-making, watercolors, sewing, etc.

    Personal Development: Prudence and the Millers, A Child’s Book of Character Building and other wholesome stories


    Wow!!!  These all look so good!  I can’t wait to see more.


    I hesitate to post things since my oldest two are sort of “out there” choosing a lot of what they do themselves.  I feel like I fail the “CM Purist” test.  LOL  But we feel strongly that they are preparing themselves for their own paths in life. 

    Anyway.  16yo boy, high school junior:

    Pre-Calculus and Calculus, Math-U-See, possibly transitioning to community college course in the spring

    Physics, Apologia, and living book reading list

    Latin–Book IV, Latin in the Christian Trivium; French–vol. III, Breaking the French Barrier; community college Spanish courses, Italian books and Indonesian computer CD

    American Literature series, Total Language Plus

    Self-designed American Government course–self-chosen reading list

    Self-designed Linguistics course, using Teaching Company DVD’s and reading list

    Continuing piano and organ studies

    He is choosing his own devotional books this year, too, and hasn’t told me what they are going to be

    14yo boy, high school freshman:

    Geometry, Math-U-See

    Biology, Apologia, and living book reading list

    Latin, Latin in the Christian Trivium Book IV, and Swahili, hopefully OR if it’s not ready yet, a set of computer CD’s

    Total Language Plus guides for The Trumpeter of Krakow, Animal Farm, Treasure Island and The Hiding Place

    Medieval History, self-chosen materials including a Teaching Company video course and self-chosen living book list

    Geography, finishing Richard Halliburton’s Complete Book of Marvels and mapwork

    He is finishing the Uncle Eric books this coming year–I think he has 3 left to read, and listening to audio CD’s on lives of great economists (Teaching Company again!) for Economics/Personal Development

    Drafting course, Insight Technical Education

    He is also choosing his own devotional books, although I gave him a pile to pick from.  🙂 

    10yo boy, 5th grade (this should look more “normal”!)

    Math-U-See Epsilon

    God’s Design for Science:  Earth Science series (weather, astronomy, earth science

    Total Language Plus guides:  The Sign of the Beaver, Charlotte’s Web, Ben and Me, The Cricket in Times Square, plus free reading list from Module 5 and AO

    Spanish for Children vol. 1

    Kon-Tiki for geography, plus mapwork

    Module 5 for history with Guerber books as spines and a few books added in from AO

    All together, we do: 

    Shakespeare (Julius Caesar this year)  Plutarch:  two lives plus comparison (not chosen yet) Artist (module 4) composer (module 4) nature study, morning devotions, hymns, folk music, and poetry–I think we are going to do Longfellow for the youngest guy, and begin a chronological survey of English poetry for the two high schoolers (we’ll do this all together, just part will be aimed at the big boys and part at the little one)

    Whew!  I’m tired already.  LOL



    I’m enjoying reading the plans as well.

    My plans for the upcoming year (3rd grade) are on my blog if you don’t mind clicking over, where I’ll edit as we go along……


    I am really excited about our new year because I am learning so much myself as I’ve been pre-reading/scanning books to make choices and figure out the order of scheduling them.  We go year round and most likely will start in July with the new plans.



    Bookworm I think what you’re doing is exactly what CM wanted, the kids are taking charge of/owning their education.  Ok here are our plans thus far:


    2 seniors:  Notgrass EWH 2nd half

                   SMARR lit. guides for 6 books

                  MUS Algebra/TT Geometry

                   Trail Guide to World Geo. with living books

                   Thinking Like A Christian/Sophie’s World

                   Abeka Economics(unless I sell it and buy Notgrass Economics)

                   CLP Biology/ don’t know what the other one will be taking for science

                    Drums/bass guitar


    9th grad:    SCM year 4

                      MUS Algebra

                      LLATL Gold British

                      Traditional logic 1/Fallacy Detective

                      CLP Biology

                      Understanding Writing (Easy grammar and Easy Writing)


    2nd grader:  Teaching Reading at Home

                        Mastering Mathematics

                          SCM yr. 4

                          AO yr. (lit. selections)

                          Living books science (topics chosen from “What Your 2nd Grader Needs to Know”


    we will all do the SCM Bible studies, scripture memory.  I have not chosen all of our composers and artists yet, but will do that soon.  Need to figure out PE until we get our Wii





    Kim, I love your plan!!!  Can’t wait to see the weekly reports file


    This will be our first year homeschooling and I’m excited to say that we’ll be going SCM all the way!  
    I’ve been absorbing as much as I can on this site, and at the same time I’m reading Home Education.  I’m about ready to start purchasing our books and getting things in order…

    I’ll be homeschooling our dd with yr. 1 starting, hopefully, in July.  As for my ds, age 5 in Aug., I’m not too sure yet….he may be tagging along, playing outside, etc.

    So here is what we’ll be doing for dd 1st grade…

    Math:  Math U See, Alpha

    Science: 106 Days of Creation

    Reading: various living books and readers

    Copy work: possible doing some Handwriting Without Tears (this is an area that needs some work!  Wink ) 

    Grammar:  English for the Thoughtful Child

    Personal Dev.:  Childs Book of Character

    History/Bible/Geography: SCM Module 1

    Scripture Memory: we’ll continue to use this INCREDIBLE SCM method!

    Literature:  SCM selections as well as others that interest us

    Poetry:  SCM selections

    Nature Study:  need to do more research here – feeling a little overwhelmed about this!!!

    Picture Study:  SCM artist list, plus create an artist study book

    Music Study:  Listen to music in car and talk read about composers a little

    Hymn Study:  Need to find out what the book is titled that I want to use (my mom has a great one!)

    Spanish:  *I* might be getting rosetta stone and then helping the kids to learn…we’ll see…Undecided

    OK – now that I’ve written it all out, man does it seem like a lot!  I guess I just need to remember that we won’t be doing everything every day….

    I already have the seminar dvds, and I just bought the planning dvd and book, so that should help…  Smile




    Thank you, Des.  I hope to be able to keep them going when we start our new year. (I didn’t do so well with that this past year….)

    What is SMARR?  Is that the publisher?  And I just saw the Notgrass books in a store locally, but they were shrink wrapped still…..I wanted to look inside, but I’m so far away from needing them so I didn’t ask to open them.  It’s fun to mentally file things away for possible future use. (Though I’m thinking I should start writing these things down! LOL)


    We have only homeschooling for 6 months now, and up until now my 2 oldest were doing SOS and my youngest on LifePacs.

    Im extremely grateful to have found the SCM website through The Well Trained Mind forums. I started out changing over to the “classical” style, but I found CM, and read and read and decided this was the route for us. I like her style not being watered down, but in the same breath allowing a child to be a child.

    I especially love the word “twaddle”! I love what it means, and I love to say it! People often look at mean strange and then I get to explain it! Great conversation starter!!

    Anyhow, we are pretty much going down the line with the SCM curriculum guide that Sonya, has so graciously given for free use. We may change a bit here and there, as some books arent always in print, or available but for the most part they are.

    We will be starting with Module 1, all that ties in with it, and then everything you see under grades 3rd, 7th and 8th.

    Im so excited, we have been recieving curriculum almost daily!! I love how fast and efficient the SCM website is! I recieved my order in no time!!

    I have the all day seminar books and DVDs, and the curriculum guide and DVD. I plan on making this weekend an all day SCM marathon, and then get everything completely planned in the days following. Im so excited!!

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