March Check In: How is Everyone?


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  • Tristan

    Hi all! I don’t know about you, but as I sit here looking at the snow and daydreaming about spring gardening I could use some chatter. Let’s share how March is going so far!

    At my house things are moving along. School happens regularly with the older 7 of the 9 kids. I always call March my ‘keep walking’ month – we just keep putting one foot in front of the other and by the time April comes we are on the downward trek of the school year. Kids are reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, narrating, and learning at their own speed. My high schooler is out of the house every afternoon because she runs on the local public school’s track team, so it is our busy season.

    I’m reading books just for me right now too, which is always good. And I’m browsing cook books for veggie recipes to find new ways to get our veggies in.

    Mason’s health is stable, no major doctor’s appointments for a while and currently no surgeries on the horizon. Yay!

    I hope you are all having a lovely March!


    I see the “light at the end of the tunnel” and am getting excited!! We have 6.5 weeks of school left for the year (we are required 172 days of instruction). We start the first week of August and don’t take many breaks so that we can take off May, June & July and we are all excited!!

    We do continue math and reading through the summer, but we all need a bit of a school break 🙂


    School hasn’t been as regular for us over the last month or so.  With house renovations and the flu, we are a bit behind where I planned to be.  I am actually having a hard time finding my enthusiasm for schoolwork.  It has been taking us so long to get through the basics that I am exhausted and/or frustrated early in the day.

    So… We began a fun new read-aloud – Swiss Family Robinson – which the children love!  I try to get us outside each day that’s not pouring rain.  We have started our garden already – sugar snap peas, potatoes, onions, and some new strawberry plants so far.   I want us to start using some new chalk pastels also.

    Usually by this time I’m researching and planning for the next school year, but I’m putting that off awhile until I feel like we are making better progress with the here and now.  We are healthy though and so very blessed.  🙂


    Great news about Mason, Tristan!

    Bethanna-Swiss Family Robinson is a favorite read aloud here! It is one of my daughter’s favorites.

    Our year is going well. I can’t believe it’s March already! School is moving right along and we are in a good groove.

    We hit a bit of  a snag with Algebra a couple of months ago but we pressed through and now math is going very smoothly. We started The Power In Your Hands for writing and that is going well so far. We also just began using James Stobaugh’s high school America History text for our history spine and it seems to be a good fit.

    We are going to be going through Movies as Literature by Kathryn Stout with a couple of families starting this month. I was looking for a fun but educational group activity and I think this will be a good fit. We are looking forward to it!

    I also wanted to mention that we’ve been using the Virtual Homeschool Group’s self paced course for Apologia Biology and it’s been a great experience! My daughter recently decided that she wanted to start doing each module in a more traditional manner as we had previously been using them in a relaxed fashion. This course has been super helpful in easing the transition. We plan on sticking with them for Apologia Chemistry. We may even try a live class. And did I mention? It’s completely free!

    My daughter has discovered a love of Jane Austen this year and has just begun Jane Eyre and is enjoying that very much as well. Her other new favorite author is C.S. Lewis. She read lots of quotes from him in her Christian worldview course and wanted to try some of his other nonfiction works. She began Mere Christianity last week and is really enjoying it.

    It’s already very spring like here in South Florida. My daughter and I started a small container garden over the weekend. So far, we have some herbs, strawberries, and lettuce. We hope to add to it a bit each week.


    I feel like we are just getting going!  I am a bit envious of those of you who are almost done!  We are working hard at Early Modern Times and finishing up Outdoor Secrets and The Hobbit.  I picked up some fun science kits from Home Science Adventures and we started one on magnets.  We are working hard at math and IEW’s Student Intensive B.  I am also working on next years plans, which is always fun.  We will be continuing all summer and are following the traditional Charlotte Mason 6 day per week school day.

    We have started our garden.   I have seedlings in the dining room (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc) and spinach and kale outside under a mini greenhouse…under a bit of snow!   My middle DD started some daisies inside as well.  I’m glad we got our raised garden beds built with the good weather we had.

    We moved in late December and have so far fixed a leaky sink drain, fixed a leaky bathtub, replaced an oven element, and evicted some larder beetles who were feasting on the remnants of a (hopefully) old mouse hole.  I am extremely grateful for retired parents, who are able to help with these things at a moments notice!  lol

    We are still unpacking and sorting things.  Later this spring is garage sale time, and I’m hoping to have a sale then.  Which means I need to do more unpacking and sorting!



    I feel your post is a miracle! As all of us,held in God’s grace to be called to this wonderful post called mother and teacher. I am so encouraged by what God keeps doing in your life and your children’s. Keep up the Good Fight, school and love those babies!

    I know I speak for many moms here, when I say God Bless You, you wonderfully, courageous Momma!

    Blessings, Martha


    Hey ladies! I’ve been absent for a while, but planning time brings me searching.  We are in Florida and the weather is absolutely gorgeous, I have such a hard time making the kids stop playing to do school this time of year.

    I am in full on planning mode. Baby #4 is due early October so working on what that will look like. I generally don’t struggle to bring a new baby into everyday life but you just never know. So as of now I’m planning on 2-4 weeks off of school when baby is born and then light school through Christmas break and starting back up full swing after the new year.

    My will be third grader has requested we start spelling (who does that?!?) because she wants to be able to write stories. I was going to hold off another year (because of baby coming) on any formal grammar/spelling but if she’s eager I may just go with it.

    My focuses next year are narration, nature study, and habits, in terms of consistency in doing chores and our daily routine.



    We’re surviving.  I hate potty-training. That is all.


    Things are going pretty good here, this week we are wrapping up coop. I’ve begun planning for our lite summer term and for the new year. Just trying to finish this year strong.

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