Making the most of the SCM Organizer


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  • jm

    I already subscribe to the SCM organizer and it has really helped organize our homeschool. I was wondering whether other users might have some ideas to extend the way I am using the Organizer? 

    For instance, chores …. could you suggest ways I could use it to schedule chores? I can imagine scheduling the children’s chores as they are simple and either repeat daily or on the same day each weeek. 

    But what about my chores, some of which are daily, weekly and at other intervals like bimonthly etc…. would the organizer work for that?

    Do you schedule in outside activities or classes? 

    Any other hints on how you make the most of the Organizer? 🙂 



    I have scheduled co-op classess, violin lessons, and guitar lessons in the CMO.

    Doug Smith

    We have a video about scheduling special resources that might be helpful.


    Just wanted to mention that as well as swim lessons, I put in Scouting meetings – AND a resource for the badges they earn.


    I schdeule the personal development programs that my girls work on at church, our field trips, nature walks, etc…


    Thanks for sharing how you use the organizer. Thanks too for the link to the video demonstration. It makes more sense now that I am actually using the organizer 🙂 

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