making a book list from book finder- tech question

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education making a book list from book finder- tech question

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  • amy390

    I’m going through the book finder looking for books that I might find at an upcoming book fair. I’m wondering if there is a way to ‘tag’ books so that I can then just print out my list? if not- when revisions are made to the book finder this would be most helpful;)


    Doug Smith

    Well, the bad news is that we don’t have a way to do that right now. But there is good news. That feature is not only on our wish list, but is actually in testing right now. Here’s a link to how we describe the personal lists feature on our wish list.

    Thanks for the great suggestion. Please feel free to send suggestions or comments any time.


    cool! I’ll look forward to it. Looks like I wasn’t the only one with that request then!

    What else would be helpful is if we add a link to the book in the bookfinder for a free version.  Many of the books are free, but some have to be searched out. If many of us are doing this anyway it would save time on the ones already found.

    In the mean time could we add the link to the free book in the review the book section or does it depend on the web site?

    Doug Smith

    We have a place to add a link for any resources you enter yourself. We’ll eventually make it so everyone can add things like that to shared resources as well. For now it’s fine to just mention the link in a review.

    Yeah, that is what I meant…for the books that have already been added. I should have been more clear sorry.

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