Love of learning???

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  • Jodie Apple

    We have an 11 year old son who doesn’t love learning.  We began transitioning to CM a couple of years ago with such high hopes that something would spark with him, but school is such a drudgery for him EVEN under this gentle method.  Nothing seems to spark his curiosity except computers and video cameras.  His mood affects everyone in the house and I’m losing my patience with him.  I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this and has any suggestions.  I want him to not think of learning as a drudgery, but I’m at a point of “Just do it without complaining.  I don’t care if you like it or not!”  Yell    Ok, I’ll go gather my composure now and await some words of wisdom!


    I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, and I am afraid I probably won’t be of much help. The one suggestion I have is perhaps letting him do as much school work as possible on the computer. Rather than writing math, you could have the math problems in the computer, and he could type his answers in. He could read e-books or poetry from the computer, if they’re downloaded. Maybe he’s already interested in learning typing skills. Maybe for history, he could do Google searches (very supervised, of course) on the time period or location you’re studying to learn more. This could even be something you allow him to do in his leisure time. He could be the one to find information for you to teach your other children! Maybe for science, he could search for pictures of whatever you’re studying–also supervised. 

    And, for his nature “notebook”, he could use the video camera to create a “documentary” rather than drawing pictures and manually cataloging his nature finds on paper. His would be in film!

    I posted recently about my daughter who is 4. We are just beginning our learning process, and I find myself constantly frustrated. I just figured out that our personalities are clashing. If you don’t know much about the four personality types, I encourage you to do some research. I’ve always known our family members’ personalities, but I never realized how much my daughter’s melancholy personality affected me until I began trying to teach her. She is also very moody, even at four. It’s because melancholies don’t have instinctive control over their emotions the way other personalities do. Also true to her personality, my daughter is a perfectionist. She will write her letters, and if they’re not exactly how she wants them, she erases them immediately. Thankfully, we use a dry erase board right now! She’s very artistic and a deep thinker.

    I mention all that because it sounds like your son might fall into that personality category. Those are just my suggestions…hope it helps!

    Jodie Apple

    Wonderful suggestions LindseyD.  I actually have tried having him do research on the computer for history, science etc. before but it still elicits the same reaction….”Ok, let’s just get this over with.” is usually his response.  He would like the idea of a nature documentary–I hadn’t thought of that!  I’m wondering if this is just a case of a complaining spirit and that we need to address this from that angle.  We have used Philipians 2:14 “Do everything without complaining or arguing…” but it doesn’t seem to be sinking in with him.  Frown

    I’ll have to look into the personality/learning styles information..thanks!

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