Loop Schedules

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  • AFthfulJrney

    I’ll do that! Thanks!


    I tried the Day 1, Day 2, etc loop but I was still missing something.  This year we are looping a few subjects.

    Loop 1: Bible Story, Character First lesson, Scripture Memory

    Loop 2: Science, Science, Geography

    Loop 3: Poetry, Recitation, My Book House, Picture Study, Recitation, Free Write (I shoot for at least 1)

    Our days are flowing smoothly so far (only 2 weeks into it)


    I have several loops going…may seem super complicated, but works for us and keeps our days interesting.

    Kids do math daily from TT, but on day 5 we do Fred math as a family.

    Religion & Character Study. (We read scripture and say prayers daily, but I loop through resources for everything else. Day 1 is a catechesis (catholic church teachings)  day 2 is Beautiful Girlhood I do with my daughter and son gets free time day 3 is Boyhood and beyond I do with my son and my daughter gets free time Day 4 is Created for work we do as a family. Day 5 is Communication and interpersonal relationships)

    LA (we do Michael Clay Thompson’s) so at first every day is grammar until it is finished, usually 5-6 weeks. Then Day 1 is English, Day 2 is poetry, day 3 vocabulary stems day 4 writing day 5 free time or finish up writing

    Day 1 Geography, Day 2 Art, Day 3 Music, Day 4 Science, Day 5 Foreign Language & finish up any science

    Day 1 US History spine, Day 2 US History Audio, Day 3 TX History Spine, Day 4 History Video/Movie, Day 5 free time or catch up if missed during the week…   Daily history readers as a family and then kids have one history reader going at a time that they read and do daily written narrations (3-5 sentences).

    Literature – I always have 2 novels going at a time….one audio in the car and one that I read aloud. I will do either or depending on the day and sometimes both.

    other daily things kids do on their own is personal reading, spelling, & typing

    Our spelling is my own made up system that is working for my kids. I just use lists from http://www.bigIQkids.com and I “test” kids from a lesson marking only those they get wrong and I continue doing this until we have covered 5 lessons or have at least 10 misspelled words. Then I have them write the words down based on me spelling the words to them. This is their spelling list for however long until they master it, but usually a week. Each day I have them spell the words after a brief study period and I place a check by the word if they get it correct. The next day, we repeat and so forth until each word has been spelled correctly 3 time in succession. Once they drop down to only 5 words on their list, then I start going through more words until we find at least 5 more they spelled incorrectly. This has them moving through the lessons quicker since we are only focusing on words they don’t know and they are motivated to learn the words because they know that they will see it again and again until they do. LOL  If they go excessively long missing certain words, then I start adding copying the words numerous times, such as 5 times one day, 10 times the next and this has been sufficient motivator to learn the word. My son has a horrible spelling issue and this is the only way he has been able to improve and really retain anything. I am also using Spelling You See with him, but he dislikes it very much. I like that it has him spelling in a sentence and so I keep it because I do believe he is benefiting from that as well.


    Sorry to rant….Hope this helps in any way.

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