Loop Schedules

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  • 2Corin57

    For those who use loop schedules, can you please share what is on your loop?


    We have a couple loops going. My kids are all ages 9 and under and these are subjects we do together (to give perspective):

    1) science, history, geography

    2) handicraft, hymn/music, poetry, picture study, cooking

    I just instituted the enrichment loop above so we are still getting the hang of it.

    I did have a couple subjects in the first loop occurring more frequently, but simplified it because of the books we’re currently using. You can always change the frequency of subjects if needed.


    I’m more considering an enrichment loop, but wanted to have 10 things on my loop (music, poetry, recorder, drawing, picture, hymn etc…). I figure we can probably get 2 things done a day, so we could get through a loop in one week.


    Have you watched the Sarah Mackenzie and Pam Barnhill video on Loop Scheduling?  It’s helpful and on You Tube. Here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEkMOtNkYRc

    I’ll chat more about loops later, got to snuggle a baby!


    We loop schedule Plutarch, Shakespeare and Picture Study.


    Ours will probably be something along these lines:

    Picture study

    Composer study

    Bedtime Math

    Ohio short story (I have animal tales and hero tales for this)

    Grammar Minute (some grammatical info of the week, could be anything)

    Literary Element Minute (read a short passage from a book we’ve been reading and explain what literary element it’s showing – such as personification, setting, hyperbole, assonance, etc)


    We loop! But only have 8 in our list.  We do 2 per day and sometimes we will throw in a third.

    Shakespeare, Artist, Composer, Hymn, Folk song, habits, poetry, BOC.

    Other options: free art time (for moms like me that always say no to the mess), handicraft, life skill training, geography, science (mine is not in my loop because I like it to be a set day so I can be prepared)

    I schedule Book of centuries in here because I just keep a running list all week and it generally lands at the end of the week and we put in the 3-5 entries, it has worked really great for staying on top of it.


    We had 3 loops going last year.  We aimed for two things from each list.

    • Content Subjects: history, living science reading, history, science lesson, geography, science experiment, history, science reading, history, nature study/object lesson
    • Language arts: copywork, ELTL lesson, Spelling Wisdom, ELTL recitation–I’m pretty sure I had more here, but I can’t remember!  We tried to get to 3 ELTL lessons each week.
    • Fine Arts Loop: poetry/shakespeare (twice per loop), folk song, paper sloyd (our handicraft), music, harmony fine arts (was on the loop twice because we split the lesson up), folk song, sol-fa singing, Compass Drawing

    I tried to have 10 items on each loop, although some were repeats.  I figured if we got to 2 things each day, from each list, we’d generally make it through once a week.  If we didn’t, I didn’t feel too bad about it, since it was next on the loop.

    For the coming year, I’m going back to a regular schedule, but will probably keep the fine arts loop for our morning basket.  I do tend to treat our weekly schedule as a loop and label it Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc. instead of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.


    Kayla, good idea about putting BOC on a loop. Hadn’t thought of that, and we never do our book of centuries, so that might make it so we actually do it.


    Ditto the BOC looping idea. I like that and will steal it!

    We loop composer, artist, and poet/Shakespeare.

    We also loop flashcards (math, music, roots).

    We also loop our days, too, using numbers instead of days of the week.


    @Tristan – I’m curious what your Ohio short story category and where I can find info on the titles you mentioned there ( animal/hero tales).


    I’m going to be trying out a loop schedule for the first time this year. So far, I’m planning on only using it in our morning time. Our morning time will consist of Bible, Shakespeare, Geography, Picture Study, Composer, Hymn, Habits, and Memorization (scripture, poetry, etc.). Bible and Memorization will be done everyday, but the rest I’m planning on putting on a loop.

    This year will also be our first year of keeping a BOC and I love the idea of adding it into our loop!

    I also like the suggestions of numbering our days instead of going by Monday, Tuesday, etc. Thinking I’ll copy that idea as well.

    I’m going to see how effective it is for our morning time and go from there.


    AFthfulJrney – There are two books I have for Ohio history tales.  Both are by Rick Sowash.

    Heroes of Ohio: 23 True Tales of Courage and Character

    Critters, Flitters, & Spitters: 24 Amazing Ohio Animal Tales



    Tristan – thank you! I’d love to find some for my state. Does the same author write similar books for various states?


    I don’t think so.  But I bet there are books like that for many states. Try amazon and search for the name of your state with the word ‘tales’  or with the word ‘stories’ or ‘heroes’.

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