If anyone is clearing out curriculum, I have a “wishlist” of things we are missing/wanting to try 🙂 I know a some of this is stuff everyone wants/needs, but putting it out there anyway 🙂 I am interested in purchasing the following (it isn’t all SCM):
-SCM History/Bible Studies lesson plan books, especially Genesis-Deut/Ancient Egypt
-All of the supporting materials for the above SCM Bible/History lesson plans (Hungry Planet, Ancient Egypt and her neighbors, etc)
-Stuff they left behind portfolios
-Picture study portfolios (we do have some of those already, so I would need to check against what we’ve got)
-Bible Picture portfolios
-SCM enrichment lesson plan guides
-Life of Fred books beyond Apples and Butterflies
-Math-u-See books/test/workbooks above Beta
-D’Aulaire biographies individually or as set
-Opal Wheeler composer Books
-Genevieve Foster World of… books, individually or as set
-Rightstart mathematics manipulatives (I have some, but need a few to fill out the set)
If anyone is willing to work something out, send me a PM or email me at jennymalone1066@me.com
thanks! 🙂
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