Life after graduating homeschool

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  • apsews

    My question is this…

    Can anyone give me real life examples of what the future holds for homeschooled kids(boys especially since they have to provide for a family one day)?

    Since my ds is only 11 years old, I don’t know what his plans or interests will be as far as a career. If he doesn’t go to college, will there be problems for him getting a decent job without getting a GED? My dh thinks we need to go with an accredited diploma for his high school years. Do employers ask to see your diploma if you mark on your application that you have completed high school?

    This all really bothers my mind and I want some reassurance. I really want to go CM all the way through hs but need something to make my case with dh.


    This may not be /exactly/ what you’re requesting, but I will share it anyway. 🙂 These resources might be a good starting point for finding alternative options and real life examples. It’s just something to look into should he show a desire to continue formal academics after his high school years. He’s still pretty young. Good luck in your search for answers!

    1. Lee Binz (A.K.A The Home Scholar) has excellent information about the middle and high school years, preparing for life after high school, dual enrollment during high school, etc. There are still options for students who do not attend a traditional college.

    2. I’d also get information from CollegePlus about non-traditional paths to a career.


    In our experience with one daughter, she has never been asked to show her diploma to get a job. She has been asked for her transcript in college applications, but that is all. It would be a good idea for you to keep a transcript for your son. We have never had any problems from any college regarding our “homemade” transcript. My plan of action for high school is to prepare them to get into any college they choose while at the same time preparing them to be able to build a life without college. That way, they will be equipped to walk down either path. Sometimes we think we know where God is taking them and we turn out to be all wrong, so I think its important to cover all the bases. Well, as much as we can anyway.

    You can tell your dh that our daughter has received no negative feedback ever in applying to colleges without an accredited diploma. Homeschooling is becoming more mainstream now and people aren’t afraid of homeschoolers anymore, generally speaking.

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