learning with videos

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  • jill smith

    Hi, can anyone recommend any videos for elementary age kids for Science. I like Moody videos but they are so expensive.





    We find some on Youtube.  I try to prewatch them first.   We all enjoyed Jonathon Bird’s Blue World when we were studying ocean animals.


    Do you have a netflix subscription? There are tons of nature documentaries and fun stuff on there. We’ve loved the BBC Planet Earth ones, Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin, Rock the Park, and some more plain fun ones like Dogs With Jobs and Unusual Animal Friends. Also, check the PBS website for Nature and Nova documentaries. There are just SO many good things on netflix and PBS you should be able to find something.


    I forgot to say, you may want to pre-watch a lot of those, depending on your child’s age.


    I did see a few Moody videos on YouTube. The Jonathan Bird videos look very interesting. Maybe there are other science videos online that we don’t even know about. Do an online video search on your topic and maybe something good will come up. I just did a search on weather and plants and several videos came up, some for young kids and some for older. I definitely will do this for my daughter. She learns better by watching something than by me reading to her. She has dyslexia, so I read most things to her. This will give me a break from reading:)


    It may be worth still owning a vcr because at a homeschool curriculum sale, I’ve found moody vhs for 50 cents each. Keep browsing! Martha


    Science Shepherd has a video based science program for ages 6-11 that I’m about to start using. It looks fantastic.


    We like Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution.


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