laundry tip

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  • Sue


    The amount you make up per batch, how long does that quantity last you? I have 3 kids plus myself to do laundry for, and my elderly dad (who doesn’t create much laundry!) throws in a load now & then.

    I also wanted to ask about using equipment, be it food processor or hand grater, and then using them for food items after washing them. Some folks have said not to ever use something you grated soap on for food. We don’t have a dishwasher, so if I washed & rinsed a food processor or grater by hand, do you think that would be okay?


    Sue, I have never had the soap stick to the grater so I feel fine about using it for food and soap. I’m too practical to buy a grater/processor/blender just for grating soap. 🙂

    In my opinion, it’s just soap. If anything it should clean whatever tools you use on it, right? I mean, definitely make sure the soap is totally gone before it comes into contact with food. I don’t know; I don’t worry/think about stuff like that. 🙂



    Mjemom, the amount I make lasts me 8-9 months. I have two kids. We are “wear something 2-3 times before washing” people, so I normally do 6-8 loads of laundry per week. We wash sheets every 2 weeks. I think how long the detergent lasts you would depend on number of people in your family and how much laundry you do. I know some kids will change clothes 2-3 times a day, so that would mean that momma is doing a whole lotta laundry. That doesn’t fly in our house, unless they’re REALLY dirty.


    I just grated some soap this week, had not done this recipe for a long time,( I mostly use soap nuts, I did the borax mix only for towels ).

    I do not trust Borax 100%, I am pretty sure it has been taken out of the market in Canada, as far as i know it is not the most natural thing there is. I had tried the recipe w/a lot of different soaps when my little guy’s Eczema was bad and even w/the most gentle and unscented soap he still had a reaction so soap nuts is the way to go for us.

    Anyway, for this batch I used 3 different soap bars I had left and the food processor did smell like soap even after washing but I don’t feel any residue and used it for food anyway. It didn’t taste like soap!!

    Lesley Letson

    Hmmm, I’ve never paid a lot of attention and I don’t measure real accurately, but I’d say I probably use about 2 tbsp per load and bit more on the play in the red mud days 😉 I do roughly 4-6 loads a week probably and I would guess that size batch lasts me about couple months give or take. I will do a double batch sometimes but no more because that is all that fits in my container. And then I can experiment with different soaps more often. I do use my same grater I use for cheese and have never had a problem, my cheese has never tasted soapy and no one has gotten sick. Like Lindsay said, I feel like soap is soap and I don’t think of it much differently than dish soap. I would just make sure it was rinsed really well.

    Gosh I’m a lot of help aren’t I? I am super persnickety about many things love to plan things very detailed, and very type A for the most part, but this is not one of those areas, I guess here I am more flower child/go with the flow…Maybe I’ll put a sticky note with the day I make it next time and get a better idea.

    blue j

    Ladies, I make a liquid version of Lindsey’s dry soap mix.  It lasts our family of 6 a good 3 months or more.  As far as the Fels Naptha; I am assuming that many of you would not know this information, so forgive me if that is not the case. My mom and grandma had FN around to take out stains as a pretreat for clothing when I was little.  We would wet the item and rub some FN on and rub the garment together or perhaps use a brush depending upon the material & the stain. So, while other castille soaps will work, I think that the FN works particularly well because it’s intended purpose has always been as a stain removing soap.  It works VERY well on protein stains, too.  So, armed with that information, you can make an educated decision on which soap you choose. 🙂


    bluej, I didn’t know that fact about Fels Naptha, but it makes sense. I rarely have to pre-treat stains; like less than once every few weeks MAYBE. I quit buying Shout and other spray on stain removers when we switched to homemade soap several years ago simply because I was trying to save money. Since making my soap with the Fels Naptha, it makes sense that I have not noticed staining on our clothes much.

    The one thing Fels Naptha was not able to remove was a vomit stain on dd’s quilt. She threw up a very large amount, and she had eaten tomato sauce and food with chili powder that day. Two stains that would be difficult for any detergent had they not also been mixed with stomach acids. Yuck. I washed that quilt, using double the amount of detergent, twice. When the stain still wouldn’t come out, I used a baking soda paste that I let sit for a few hours. Then I washed it again. Stain still wasn’t out! Then I did the baking soda paste again, let it sit, and then poured straight white vinegar over it. I let the bubbles do their thing and washed the quilt again, using double the detergent again. The stain came almost totally out, finally. I figured it probably wasn’t going to come all the way out after all that, so I went ahead and dried it. The stain is hardly noticeable, unless there is bright sunlight shining directly on it.

    So that’s the one time it took more than just the Fels Naptha, but I don’t blame the soap. That would have been a tough stain on even an expensive, store bought detergent!

    Lesley Letson

    blue j, you are right – and I do usually use the FN mix for all the boys’ stuff, and I usually have several bars so I have rubbed some into stains to pre-treat – I don’t tend to jump in tree holes full of mud, so I like my lavender Kirk’s mix for my stuff which I always wash far far away from all of theirs 😉 My grandma liked Octagon soap. 

    My absolute, hands down, best of all time stain remover though, is Grandma’s Secret Spot remover. I have yet to find something it won’t get out – it is especially good on grease stains!


    After reading about Fels Naptha I was concerned about its environmental impact. I see that they have changed the formulation (don’t know when) and I guess my Zout isn’t exactly great for the environment. I don’t really know how to judge a certain substance’s toxicity compared to another. I see anything containing Borax imported into the EU has a warning label that says ‘May damage fertility’ and ‘May damage the unborn child’. That’s pretty serious to me. And the makers of Fels Naptha say to not use it directly on skin which seems pretty strange for something designed to be used on clothes.

    Maybe it is just the ‘devil I know’…meaning I don’t really know what is in the Charlie’s Soap I use or the Oxiclean I’ve considered buying. If anyone has thoughts on the environmental/health impact of the homemade detergent, please let me know. I’d love to make my own, save money, and especially have whiter/stain free clothes! I do make my own body soap but I don’t know how that would work in this recipe and I’m afraid to use it in our relatively new HE washer.




    The most environmentaly friendly and most gentle for the skin is soap nuts for sure. When you are done w/them you put them in the compost.


    And how do you find they clean things? And how do you really know? Do they smell clean? Does it help with stains? I don’t know how I’d use them really. I thought I had read I could tie them in a sock and throw that in the water with the dirty clothes and wash on hot. Does that seem like it would work? Maybe I should use 1/4 a dose of Charlie’s Soap with them? (I usually use ~1 – 1.5 T for a large load so maybe 1 tsp?)



    Usually the soap nuts come w/a little bag you can use to put them in. I guess a sock could work too. Like I said I wash in cold, never had any problem. Some stains need work, I use baby powder on oil stains, sometimes on things that are really dirty I’ll use stain remover. Never had problem w/cloths smelling. My only problem is w/my front loader getting pretty gross and smelly but I think that would happen w/any detergent. I need to run some Affresh once in a while. I used Charlie’s soap for diaper when we had diapers but never tried mixing, don’t see a reason why.

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