Large families and groceries… (& hard boiled eggs)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Large families and groceries… (& hard boiled eggs)

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  • Rachel White

    I thought I’d pass along some recipes:

    a successful hamburger/hot dog bun recipe from Heavenly Homemakers to any who have not made the transition yet. My husband likes it which is always an accomplishment since he’s very picky. It’s actually the same recipe, just the instructions for making the hot dog buns are helpful-


    The only change I make is I soak the 3 cups of wheat flour in part kefir or buttermilk with the water (or apple cider vinegar, whey or lemon juice) over night.

    Here’s a yummy popsicle recipe:

    I know it seems obvious, but sometimes the simple things of our ancesters we don’t think about doing: save your grease from making homemade sausage from grass-fed cows (I have a great recipe for that if you want it, saves money and you stay away from the preservatives) or frying (turkey for us) bacon from antibiotic and hormone free animals; then remember to use it instead of the more expensive oils/fats when cooking.  They really season veges well and increase the nutrient absorption. That way, you can save your precious butter for only topping veges after they’ve been cooked; that way the good stuff isn’t destroyed by the cooking heat and you get the nutrients in the butter, too and don’t go through it so quickly.



    Isn’t it funny (sad funny) that people these days think butter and the like are so bad for you – the diseases we have now have become far more prevalent with the availability of all the fake manufactured foods and sweeteners etc. I was raised on butter and lard, my mum kept her grease and we ate loads of eggs and things like that. My parents were never overweight and that is how they always lived. During wartime in Britain as well, people were a lot healthier than they are now even with all the rationing. Wholeseome fresh, non processed food and fruit and veg, butter, eggs, grass fed meat – it is the way to go, but harder than ever to encourage people in that direction when all they see is fast convenience foods and a lot of people never learn to cook from scratch. It is really sad. Glad there are like minded souls on here. Happy 4th weekend everyone,Linda

    blue j

    Using the unofficial “like” button for Rachel & Linda’s (missingtheshire) last posts.


    Vinegar makes a great natural softener and is cheap. 🙂

    Robin, can I come live with you now? lol


    I have to say, I feel slightly envious of the fact that others can “shop around”. I have 2 stores to choose between where I am and a sale to them is $1 off meat. {Yes, I’m rolling my eyes.} I think I need to investigate bean recipes, all though my husband couldn’t go an entire week without meat or he’d probably break down and cry. Poor fellow..


    One thing I do in meat recipes is add beans so we need less meat.  For example yesterday I made chimichangas (big burritos).  Here is what we can put inside:

    1 lb ground beef

    15 oz. black beans


    corn/tomatoes/veggies as you like


    This made enough to serve 6-7 adults.


    One thing I’ve learned is that mashed beans (think refried beans, almost pureed) stir into browned meat really well and bulk it up without being obvious.  Also finely shredded or pureed veggies can be a great boost.

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