Language Lessons for K5

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  • erin.kate

    I’m hoping some of you seasoned h’school mamas can shed light on my conundrum. I am homeschooling four children, 7, 5, 5, and 2. One of my 5 year olds is quite advanced, naturally, in pretty much every subject but we are diligently keeping her little, since she is emotionally and spiritually very much a 5yo. She adores all things school and craves more and more. I don’t want to squash her desires, but I also don’t want to push since she is “ready” academically. Meaning, she can read and comprehend fluently and she is a math whiz. We are working thoughtfully on her fine motor skills with handwriting and then to copywork. We pretty much follow SCM’s Early Years Guide, but my question rests with language lessons.

    She is currently working through Queen’s Language Lessons for Little Ones 3. She has never had formal reading instruction, though she does read aloud daily from Pathway Readers, through advanced grades, for controlled phonics readers. She just seems to “get” reading and math, too, though we keep her working through the foundations of math slowly.

    Part of me would like to drop LLLO3 and just let her be, but then I worry that she never had true phonics and that is sort of a review among other things, but then I worry that wait! she’s only 5. See my problem? It feels almost forced when I pull out the LLLO3 book. She likes it, but she’s only in Kindergarten and it feels so school-ish to me, but it is on her level in terms of language arts readiness.

    Our home school has evolved to be quite a pure approach to CM, but I also realize that all children are unique and have particular gifts.

    Here’s what her lessons include, if this helps:

    Who Is God?

    Mod 1 tagalong


    Happy Handwriting

    Pathway Readers, Reading Lit Rdrs

    Poetry, AA Milne

    All Nature Sings (nature/science)

    Life of Fred: Apples

    Math Lessons for a Living Education Vol 1

    Literature, literature, literature

    SCM Rembrandt Picture Study, Hymns, Handicrafts

    Thank you so much for reading so long!


    I can’t offer a lot here because we are just starting out with our girls 4 & 5.  My 5 year old sounds very much like yours and I have been holding her off because of her emotionally being much younger.  She wants to do math so badly and we have been using MUS, but I recently saw Math Lessons for a Living Education and I would love to hear your feeling about the program.  Do you think a 4 year old would be able to tag along with it?  I’m trying to decide if I should get the program, and if so should I get two books snow or wait for the younger.  Looking forward to other follow-ups.


    Imo. I have seen my 2nd born follow nearly right behind my oldest. He has even surpassed him in some subjects like spelling. All because he did the full phonics and my oldest knew how to read already. I couldn’t beleive he would want to do the phonics program his brother was doing. So I tried him out thinking he would see it was a little difficult and put it aside for now. I was also curious to see if he really could do it. He did not give up. He went full steam ahead and was happily plugging along when summer came. He was half threw and I must say I wish I would have kept him going because he would have been done by now. He had a harder time when we started back up. He all of a sudden found it slightly hard. So, Imo, I would have to say let her go! I wouldn’t even stop for summer just take it easy and make it fun. Just my $.02  🙂  Blessings and I hope this helps………. 🙂

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