Kindle question


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  • alice

    I am thinking of getting a Kindle.  Do many of you use it for school?  Are any of the SCM books available for Kindle?  Space is a big issue in our home, and being able to have books through a Kindle sounds very nice.  Would love to hear from those of you who use it for school!


    We have a Kindle. There are a lot of classic novels available for free for the Kindle. Right now, we are reading two classic novels on the Kindle for school. I don’t know if any of the SCM books are available for it though. You could search for them in the search box on and select “Kindle” in the box of where to search for. That will pull up what’s available for the title you’re searching for. Hope that helps! 🙂


    I love the Kindle, and we read many of our books off of it.  (Eventually we may need more than one, when my kids get more independant…)   But we are using a modified AO right now instead of SCM.  (I use the SCM organizer… and I can even access the organizer through the Kindle in the experimental browser.  The screen and scrolling makes it not the most convenient method, but one day when our internet was down (I have the 3G Kindle), I used the Kindle to mark stuff done.

    There are a LOT of free classical literature for the Kindle.  Amazon has a bunch free, and then Project Gutenberg,, and other places has more.  Sometimes I’ve downloaded some free books from a few sources, as sometimes a free book has a bunch of typos… but many of them are good, and sometimes finding a different source of a free book gets you a better version.  I haven’t bought any books yet (and I have several hundred books on my Kindle…) – but do have a couple I will buy at some point.  I found a wonderful version of Pilgrim’s Progress, with illustrations, on Kindle that I plan to buy for a couple of dollars.  (I looked at the sample.  Always check the sample of a book you pay for!)

    I also use my Kindle to read the lesson plans for out math program (MEP) so I don’t have to print them out.

    hope that helps!

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