Kindle or Kindle Touch???


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  • memomo7

    Due to the amount of great literature for children available for free and the lower prices, I think we’re ready to join the millions who already own e-readers, but which one do we purchase??  I’m looking at the basic Kindle and the Kindle Touch.  I’ve read the differences and the reviews on Amazon, but would like some more input.  What are the differences that you know of?  Which one do you have and what do you like about it?  Also, does anyone know if there’s a coupon available to use on the purchase of a Kindle?  (it doesn’t hurt to ask)  Smile



    I have the Kindle touch. I have no experience with the lower model. I like that with the touch of my finger, I can highlight points I like to find later. I like touching the word to have the dictionary pop up with a definition. Also, pdf can be read, but cannot adjust font on pdf so I changed it to landscape mode and it’s okay to read that way.

    More info. here in a recent post:


    Thank you, Sarah.  Your reply is exactly what I was looking for…and the link to the other post is helpful.  I knew there were other posts on this topic.


    My Kindle is older – there wasn’t a touch option then…. but as I’m using it with little kids – they tend to touch the screen a lot… so I’m glad I don’t have a touch screen… lol

    yes – pdf’s read find in landscape mode.  you do have to tell the kindle to go to landscape mode, but I’m glad you do because I can read the kindle lying down in bed…. my phone goes into landscape mode when I lie down, which doesn’t match the way my body is, if you get what I mean….


    I have a Kindle with keyboard.  I tried out the touch at Target and didn’t like it at all, but probably because I am used to the keyboard.  They had all the different models available to try at our Target.  If you have one near you, you might want to pop in there and try them out.


    We just got a regular Kindle a couple days ago so we are just getting used to it. I am very used to the iPad so not having a touch screen is an adjustment. But the regular has been great for dd8 so far. We need another reader in the house because we are using more and more ebooks so I, too, need to decide if we want another traditional, Touch, Keyboard, or a tablet (as it would be for the older girls).


    Funny, but I never thought of trying them out at a local store…I think I will now before I purchase.  And I suppose if we got one and hated it we could return it, but I don’t like to do that if I don’t have to.  Also, with seven children in the family I could purchase one of each and I’m sure they’d get used.  🙂

    Thanks again everyone!

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