I think I'm being pulled it!!

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    I am not into lots of techy stuff and have not been the least interested in a Kindle or Nook or such.  I like books.  Real books.  Set them down, pick them up.  Turn the page . . . books.  I don’t like a little flat screen and push the buttons.  But, there is so much out there . . . and free that I am starting to think I want one.  My 6 y/o is an avid reader and I could get so much good stuff on it for free for her.  I hear that kids with reading difficulties can sometimes read better on a screen and I wonder if it would help my 8 y/o struggling (hating) reader.  I might have to look into one after we finish our move.


    My dc use my kindle on an occasion but mostly it’s for me. I absolutely love it! I do have lots of kids books/classics on it and always have it ready to be used by my dc but ideally I’d like them to have their own (or one that is just for them).

    I prefer it over my Nook but that’s just preference. I don’t think you’d ever regret buying one once you did. I just love to take it with me everywhere and have a ton of books at my fingertips without having to bring every book with me that I’m in the middle of. And, it hasn’t stopped me from purchasing real books for our home library…I just keep buying and buying and plan to buy more.


    I saw on amazon that there is a kindle owners library there – where you can “check out” one book a month for free :/  It is the first thing that has really made me want to buy a kindle :sigh:.  I already use the kindle software on my computer and ipod but to use the amazon library, you have to have the device…


    unfortunately (unless things have changed) the library isn’t available if you are not in the US….  sigh


    How is it different from reading on the computer screen?

    Lesley Letson

    We got a Kindle for our 6yo for Christmas and it has been GREAT! We did go ahead and get the touch screen (as opposed to the one that you navigate with the buttons – which I have) very glad we upgraded to that one, I think it makes it much less frustrating for him to use. I bought the Yesterdays Classics package and have those books on there along with many other freebies – I don’t think we’ve had to buy a book yet other than those 🙂 We also got the case with the light in it and he reads in the car with it. It was a big purchase for a 6yo, but he is a very avid reader and we knew he could be responsible with it (we keep it in my office when he isn’t using it to keep it away from the younger ones). I don’t regret that purchase at all!

    Doug Smith

    I don’t like a little flat screen and push the buttons.

    Are you sure that’s not a Green-Eggs-and-Ham reaction? i.e., have you tried one? Smile Perhaps you could borrow one from a friend for a few days to see how it works for you.

    How is it different from reading on the computer screen?

    The e-book reader devices with black and white screens use a different technology than a computer screen. They reflect the light in the room, much like paper. Computer screens are lit from behind, which some people find fatiguing. This is also true of the color e-book readers. However, there may be an exception with the iPad. Even though it is backlit, the quality of the screen is so much better than a typical cheap computer monitor that fatigue isn’t as much a factor.


    Can you provide a link for the kindle Yesterdays Classics? I’m new to kindle and I’m trying to collect free readings but not having much luck in doing so. Any help appreciated! Thanks!!


    Thanks Doug, good to know. So I guess when I’m ready to make the leap it is better to get the black and white.


    Yes, Doug, it probably is a “Green-Eggs-and-Ham” reaction.  I have never really tried one.  A friend has shown me their Nook but that’s about it.  My DH has the Kindle for computer on our computer and I even had him download a free book I thought looked interesting . . . but still haven’t used it.  One of these days . . .


    I really like my kindle.  When I got it I bought a cover to go with it, so it opens up like a book.  It is made especially for the kindle and comes with a light that you can pull out if it is dark.  It wouldn’t be the same without that nice cover.  Smile  Makes it feel more like holding a book, imo.


    A few years ago a friend of mine received a kindle as a gift and I wasn’t all that interested, either. That was mostly because I had not held it in my hands and really took a good look at how it worked. A bit later I thought I might like to have one. My dh surprised me with it and I still wasn’t sure until I set it up and used it for the first time…now I am completely hooked.

    I have never regretted having it, but would like 2 more, to not have to share, LOL.


    I held off in getting a Kindle until recently. Wnen they first came out I was not at all interested…I really like a good old fashioned book! However, I just sprung for the kindle fire and I love it!!! I love having a screen that is lit so I can read at night in bed without bothering dh with the light. There are lots of cool apps…I just found a Bible app for free with Bible reading plans. 🙂 The free/low cost books are a plus. I bought a school book I wanted…paperback version $12, Kindle version $3. I like it so much, I am considering one for my older kids…and that is saying something coming from this low-tech mama. 🙂


    Just also wanted to say – I can’t read my conputer screen lying on my bed before I go to sleep…. but I can my Kindle!  It is a lot more like reading a book than the computer (and much easier on the eyes with a regular Kindle) 


    btw – I’m glad I don’t have a touch-screen version…. my kids tend to touch the screen a lot!

    Lesley Letson

    simple home,

    Here is where you can order the package of Yesterday’s Classics ebooks for either Kindle or ePub version (nook, iPad, other readers). I bought them when they were on sale for $99 and I have seen that sale more than once, so you may want to keep a look out for it. Yes, you can get some of the same books free if you look around, but the formatting that YC does is very nice and it is nice to just have the whole set and the guide/list that has the books broken up into categories. Don’t regret that purchase either 🙂 We have an iPad as well (I am a confessed techie junkie!) and I emailed them and they sent me the epub files too (I didn’t have to purchase the set twice).  

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