kindergarten schedule

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    My daughter will be kindergarten age this coming year, and she has learning issues, most likely dyslexia. She is also a piano prodigy and plays tons of songs by ear. She is in piano lessons and struggles with learning to read music due to her reading struggles.

    My question is how many days per week should I do the 3 rs? Daily for all 3? She does fine with math, and writing is difficult.

    From what I have seen once a learning problem is diagnosed, treatment is daily practice and spending more time working on things that are difficult.

    If I plan daily 3 rs, plus piano practice, and sitting in on older siblings history, etc. is this way too much? If yes, how many times per week for each R. I will use All About Reading, and living math books and activities. She has a short attention span and is a perfectionist.




    Don’t forget the extras/fun stuff.  I would hate to work solely on my challenges.  Some of the fun stuff can actually benefit her development overall as well.  My dd7 has special needs and we move at her pace but also take plenty of breaks for fun things.  Some of the kiddos have to work so hard at things that come so easily to others and that can be tiring.  


    None of our children had piano practice at this age, so keep that in mind with my suggestions.

    I don’t think we ever spent more than 45 minutes to an hour per day on formal studies for Kinder for any of our children.  So, you should have plenty of time for piano and play.  Don’t forget that quite a bit of learning takes place while children are playing.  It gives their brains time to ruminate on formal studies in the background without realizing it.


    I have a Kindergartener this year and another next year. In our home Kindergarteners spend maybe 30 minutes a day doing “book work” directed by Mom, this includes some copywork, we use Handwriting Without Tears, reading instruction a la Delightful Reading, Math U See Primer, counting, math games, etc. At the beginning of the year they do the three Rs 2 or 3 days a week, by January my daughter was doing 4 or 5 days a week. She was really showing an interest and readiness for academics so we did more in the second half of the year, and when she turned 6 in March added narration of Aesops Fables. Next year it may go much slower with my son who developmentally is not in the same place she was starting K- and thats OK!

    Most of the time they just think the book work is something we do together, not “school”. Sometimes my daughter (K this year) will spend a couple hours “writing” on her own- copying from a book or doing a “project” of some sort that she calls school. I can’t imagine my son (K next year) doing that at all, although he has recently gotten into coloring in his special coloring book and I wouldn’t have imagined him doing that either so who knows what the next year will bring for him? 30 minutes doesn’t include nature study or audiobooks in the car or our bible reading with Daddy in the evening, etc etc etc. I usually split the instruction up into a short block after breakfast and another short block after lunch.

    We don’t have music instruction, but my daughter is extrememly active and is in Tae Kwon Do to burn off some of that energy, and my son has speech therapy, and they both have a sports/tumbling class as kind of an extension of the occupational therapy they needed previously, so we are busy busy busy. We are more busy than I would like, actually and I am looking for ways to slow down next year.

    Charlotte Mason didn’t encourage starting any formal schooling until 6yo, so K can be very relaxed and most importantly should be pleasant! If your kindergartener is stressing or showing negativity at all you can back off! The best home schooling advice I have ever gotten was to “Start out slow, and then ease up”. It may seem counterintuitive but it really works!

    I know you didn’t ask about this but I’ll throw it out there anyway. 🙂 One thing I wish I had done differently with my older boys is to spend as much time building their strengths as I did trying to remidiate their areas of weakness. To focus on the difficulties too much really effects their view of themselves and their confidence to tackle new challenges. Of couse they need to read and do basic math, but their strengths are what will carry them as they go through life so this time around I  make sure to build the strengths as much as possible.


    Thanks, ladies! You have given me some good things to think about. My strength is getting the book work done, so I wanted to make sure my book plans aren’t too intense. I like the start slow and then back off motto. I will ease into the formal lessons and follow her lead. God is gracious to fill in for my weaknesses and provide variety and fun in many ways, not that my teaching is all void of fun, but you know what I mean:) I am excited to work with my sweet girl again this year(and her siblings too).

    Thanks again!

    Sara B.

    Keep in mind that CM didn’t do any formal schoolwork until after the child had turned 6. I can tell you from personal experience starting my oldest 3 at 4 & 5, I regret not waiting. I almost made the same mistake with my 4yo this past year, but I pulled back & am now waiting until after he is 6. I will never make that same mistake again. CM was spot on with just letting them play & learn by being children. Everything informal through play is incredibly important for their growth.


    My daughter will be 5.5 when we start in a month or so. We are doing the extras, reading and math. She has asked to do both of those and is teaching herself addition right now. We already do nature walks as a family and the kids come home a draw what we saw totally in prompted. I’m just going to do composer, hymn And artist during afternoon snacks/tea time. She is so excited and keeps asking when we will start school!


    SaraB. Did you do anything from the Early Years choices (intro to letters, numbers, etc)? I was going to do that with my 3yo who is interested.

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